
Ways of the Limurite Soldier

Bruticus with a stern gaze observed the new students before him, taking a moment to look at each one. "Right now all I see is a bunch of weak minded children who have everything done for them by their parents, well sorry to burst your bubble of safety but your parents aren't here right now I AM and what I say goes, from this moment on all I want to hear out of your worthless mouths is "sir yes sir" or "sir no sir", DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" Bruticus spoke like a drill Sargent speaking to new cadets.

Those in line said sir yes sir not loud enough to Bruticus's liking which brought annoyance to him. "I CAN NOT HEAR YOU SPEAK UP" he barked the new students screaming as loud as they can sir yes sir, Bruticus nodded his head slightly accepting that is as loud as they can scream. "there are some mental rules you ALL will live by and I shall tell you them all right now these rules will turn you from soft and weak to mighty and hardened for what's to come"

Bruticus walked from left to right in a slow pace, his armour thudding and clanking with each step. "The greatest shame for a Limurite soldier is to return home alive from a lost and failed battle so too. DO NOT return from a challenge without having given everything."

Bruticus walked over to a couple of the new students who are heavier then the rest, staring directly at them with a stern gaze. "Only consume the plainest of foods and never fill yourselves to the point of satisfaction. Not only will this bring forth a leanness for battle but also bring mental fortitude." Those couple heavier students shouted sir yes sir with nervousness to their tones.

Bruticus slowly walked into the second line of new students, going from left to right his eyes glaring directly onto each of the new students who are clearly intimidated by his sheer size and tone. "Every Limurite soldier is demanded to take part of the right of passage, an physical or mental trial. Upon completion you are born anew better then ever."

Within the final row of new students Bruticus's gaze met the smallest of the new students, their face was shrouded in dread and fear. Bruticus slowly strolled over to the terrified new student, his gaze cold like ice upon the new student who is too terrified to look upon Bruticus. "Accepting that you will die will allow you to live a life of courage, it unburdens the mind from the limitations of fear, bringing forth your true potential." He spoke coldly.

Within the final row of new students, Markarius rolled his eyes with a mocking scoff that was accompanied by a smug smirk. Bruticus taking note of this brought his hands down to his sides slowly with agitation. His armour clunking with each movement and thudding with each step as he stood before Markarius. "You must be Obsidinite's child." He said with a scowl. "Yeah what of it?" Markarius responded with disrespect.

Next thing Markarius knew was Bruticus sent his fist into his stomach, the power behind it was strong enough to drop him down to his feet, the pain Markarius felt was a pain he had never felt before, the feeling was deep through his abdomen like a searing fire blazing hot. Upon the ground Markarius began to cough and wheeze from the pain that was inflected upon him.

"YOU WILL NOT BE DISRESPECTFUL SON OF OBSIDINITE, YOU WILL LEARN TO BE RESPECTFUL OR ILL MAKE YOUR TIME HERE ABSOLUTE HELL DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME CHILD!" Bruticus shouted with a snarl. Markarius slowly stood up, with a hand on his lower abdomen, his face contorted in pain. "S-sir yes *Cough* Sir." Markarius responded with strain.

Bruticus replaced his hands behind his back, turning to the left and slowly walking over to where Zacharias is in the back line, Zacharias more nervous from what he just witnessed. He stood straight filled with fear. "Fight for a good and righteous cause and use every fibre of your being to push that cause further and do not be afraid to defend it."

Zacharias was frozen in fear and intimidation unable to move an inch of his muscles, sweat falling down his face. Bruticus moved over to Lunai who stood beside Zacharias, his icey cold gaze staring down at her, his tone stern. "Surround yourself with those who are ruthlessly devoted to making themselves better." She too was frozen in intimidation of Bruticus unable to move an inch.

Bruticus again moved over to Romerix who stood beside Lunai, Bruticus saw Romerix stand firmly with his arms by his side, his expression shrouded in seriousness and his gaze staring directly at Bruticus with no sign of external fear. He stood before Romerix for a couple seconds in silence then spoke up with stern authority. "A true leader does not watch on safely behind the rear and in addition continually introduce oneself to sufferable situations where you are either forced to sink or swim, a Limurite soldier must be able to quickly adapt."

"SIR YES SIR!" Romerix shouted with everything his vocal cords could allow him to release out. Bruticus was impressed that Romerix showed no sign of fear towards him and found respect out of it. "You must be Romerix, son of Abilene Apostolis." Bruticus asked, Romerix nodded in response. "YES SIR I AM." He shouted towards Bruticus who then gave him a nod in acknowledgement. "Do not disappoint me Romerix." Bruticus spoke sternly with expectation from Romerix.

Bruticus slowly walked back to in front of the new students, standing beside Solaria, his armour clanking with each step. "Now I want you lot to run a thousand laps around this court yard so MOVE IT. Bruticus barked, the new students shouting sir yes sir, the sound of multiple feet audible like a stampede of animals. "IF ANY OF YOU FALL BEHIND YOU'LL BE DOING DOUBLE DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" Bruticus barked with a bellow like thunder, the new students shouting sir yes sir.

"Seems you've got this lot under your thumb Bruticus." Solaria stated as she watched the students jogging around the courtyard. "it's not difficult Solaria, you are more lenient with students then I am." Bruticus responded with the usual stern scowl. Markarius Jogging around with the rest of the students, sweat rolled down his face, his breathing becoming heavier as he was exerting himself.

"Any words about Obsidinite's son?" Solaria asked with displease upon her features, Bruticus's tone became rather displeased. "Arrogant and foolish just like his father at his age but it won't last for long as I'll rid him of that disrespectful nature like his father before him. Bruticus responded.

Romerix was at the front of the pack at a set jogging pace, a smile spread across his features and sweat falling down his face. "what of Abilene's son? He seems to be more determined then all the others." Solaria asked, Bruticus stayed silent for a couple seconds before responding. "It is too early to say for sure about him all I will say is I have very high expectations from that boy being apart of the Apostolis tribe." He responded while observing the students jogging around the courtyard.

After some time had passed the students reached the last few laps, their jogging speeds have slowed down as some were having difficulty keeping up others have stopped not being able to keep up including Lunai and Zacharias, the only two in front of the pack still keeping the same pace are Markarius and Romerix. "I *Huff* won't let *Huff* someone be better then me!" Markarius said through an exhausted tone. "Heh *Huff* You'll *Huff* to do better *Huff* to keep up then* Romerix responded also exhausted.

Markarius and Romerix finish the final lap of a thousand, both exhausted and full out of breath, Romerix put his hands onto the back of his head breathing heavily, sweat trickling down his face and building up onto his chin. Markarius put his hands onto his knees also breathing heavily. "Hah *Huff* I beat *Huff* you Markarius" Romerix said triumphant with a smile. "S-Shut *Huff* up Romerix *Huff* it was only *Huff* by a second." Markarius Responded annoyed with sweat trickling down his face and falling to the dirt underneath him.

"Well done you two, you actually completed the thousand laps and your reward for completing such a task is a thousand push ups so GET TO IT NOW." Bruticus said sternly. "Oh come on man that's not fair." Markarius complained, dropping to his hands to begin the thousand set of push-ups. "SIR YES SIR!" Romerix shouted, though exhausted he didn't want to let Bruticus down and with that both Markarius and Romerix began the gruelling struggle of a thousand push-ups while Bruticus got everyone else to do five hundred push ups.