
Use of Chai

Solaria brought

them outside to the courtyards at a different section of the yards where

they'll be trying to harness the Chai within themselves and propel it out as a

physical manifestation. "now I will teach you lot how to harness the Chai that

is within yourself and use it for combat." Solaria said with statement. The

students glanced at one another not sure what to expect. Markarius thought

finally now we are getting somewhere.

Lunai was

unsure what to expect from this part of the lesson and Zacharias was more then

happy to learn how to use his Chai. Romerix shrugged off the weird tingling

feeling he had in his stomach as more then simple butterflies within the

stomach and Sera shuffled over to stand beside Romerix, her heart skipping a

beat being beside Romerix. Standing next to Romerix she was around a foot and a

half shorter then him "Now observe and

pay attention to what I do." Solaria said firmly holding her hand out in front

of herself."Calm your

mind and push your Chai through your body into your hand." She said. "Then when

you do this think of to make it a sphere, when you have done this." She

continued, the class observing in awe as her hand began to glow with particles

of energy that merged together into a spherical ball of illuminated red energy

the size of a tennis ball. "You shall have created the sphere of Chai which can

be used for offence." The class was

awestruck and amazed at the spherical ball of energy they see before them. Markarius

had his expectation waver as he was expecting something better then just a mere

sphere of energy. "Is that really it?" He said with a scoff. Zacharias looked

towards Markarius with annoyance while Lunai had rolled her eyes at what

Markarius had said. "No Markarius it is not." Solaria firmly stated at while

aiming her hand towards a large standing rectangular piece of dull dark grey

metal that was on the other side of the courtyard.It stood at

two metres in length, one metre in width and two feet in depth. Solaria fired

the sphere of energy towards the rectangular metal like a blazing arrow and

upon contact it explodes in a spectacular fiery display. The sound of it like a

dynamite stick just went off. "Any more scoffing remarks you'd like to make

Markarius?" Solaria asked annoyed. Markarius was surprised to see such power

behind something that small. "No miss Solaria..." he had gone quiet from the

little humbling experience he just had.


looked on from near the back of the class with excitement while Sera who stood

beside him would be staring at him, infatuated by his presence beside her. At

this very moment all she could think about was how dreamy he looked to her. Lunai

was in shock with her mouth slightly open from the power behind the sphere of

energy that just detonated. Zacharias was surprised. "That small ball of energy

did that...wow" he said in amazement.

"This is the

very first thing you will be able to accomplish once you have harnessed your

Chai so we shall begin. I want everyone to form a single line and try to fire a

sphere at that piece of metal I just did." Solaria said. Everyone formed into

one line waiting for their turn to try. Markarius pushed himself into the

front, Lunai and Zacharias within the middle and Romerix directly at the back

with Sera in front of him.Each student

took a turn going down the line with each being successful at channelling their

Chai into a sphere of energy and firing it towards the rectangular block of

metal. Some weaker and some stronger, some the same colour and others not. The colours ranged from Blue,

green, orange, yellow and purple. Markarius thought it to be child's play, Lunai

slightly had difficulty to do it but was successful in doing so. Zacharias was

surprised in himself he was successful in doing it. Sera felt proud that she

was able to do so and hoped Romerix was watching her successfully harness her

Chai.Solaria gave

a nod of approval towards each student saying well done. The last was Romerix

he stood firm while staring at the block of metal. Everyone watched in

anticipation to see if Romerix was capable in doing it. He closed his eyes,

calming his mind of every trail of thought. He took a deep breath through his

nostrils, then blew the air out of mouth as he opened his eyes. "When you're

ready Romerix." Solaria said.Sera thought

to herself you can do it Romerix, I know you can. "he has this." Zacharias said

and Lunai nodded in response. Markarius grew impatient waiting for Romerix to

complete such a measly task. Romerix took aim with his hand, his Chai welling

up inside his body, from his core to his hand and the tips of his fingers. He

opened his eyes and his hues were glowing their bright sheen of honey gold. He

formed a spherical ball of energy in the colour of Gold which non of the rest

of the class did. Solaria didn't know what to think as she thought. Golden

Chai? That's a new colour of chai I haven't seen before.A large room

was pitch black and bare except for a few lit candles that lit up barely

anything. In the middle of this room is a male figure with long falling snow

white hair, adorned in a tarnished and shredded armour. The man has his arms out

from chained down with multiple chains and what looked like plastic tubing. The

tubes seemed to be pumping a black liquid substance into this man at a slow

rate. This man slowly lifted his head and opened his eyes. These eyes were

strange fully black were the eyeballs themselves and the hues were a blazing

gold. "Thus what

was written....will become." Said the man with a weak and soft voice. Romerix

fired the sphere of energy at the metal, when it made contact the explosion it

created was like a small missile just detonated against the ground. With a

chunk of the metal gone and the ground producing a slight rumble from the

force. Solaria was shocked in this display of power coming from Romerix. Not

only was she shocked but so was everyone else. "That was the most powerful ball

of energy I have seen a student do in a very long time, I'm shocked Romerix."


filled Markarius as he saw what Romerix was capable of doing just from the

first day of using Chai. Sera's cheeks became rosy as she started to blush in

absolute awe over Romerix. Zacharias clenched his fist tightly and pumped it in

front of himself. "Alright Romerix!" He declared. A smirk creeped onto Lunai's face.

"Heh he actually did it." Romerix smiled

and rubbed the back of his head with his hand. "Ahah well I'm just as surprised

as everyone else, I didn't expect it to be that power miss Solaria." Romerix said.

Solaria gave Romerix a smile. "Well I am impressed well done, and well done to all

of you." She stated. "This concludes our class for the day, please head to the dining

hall and await for your meals. Tomorrow we will be learning about Elicia and who

she was." Solaria said calmly.

The students shouted

yes ma'am before heading to the dining hall. On their way to the dining hall Markarius

full of jealousy bumped into Romerix on purpose. Everyone was confused as to why

Markarius was acting strangely. "Get out of the way idiot." Markarius said curtly.

Geez what's his problem is what one of the students said. "A-are you alright Romerix?"

Sera asked concerned for Romerix. "Yeah I'm fine Sera it's just Markarius being

himself." Romerix responded calmly. Lunai and Zacharias stood beside Romerix with

smiles upon their faces as they stared at him. Romerix would

look at them confused as to why they are staring at him. "..uh..what? Why are you

guys staring at me". He asked. Zacharias and Lunai looked forward with wide smiles

plastered on their faces. "Oh nothing Romerix." Lunai said playfully. "Yeah don't

worry about it." Zacharias said warmly. "You two are being strange?" Romerix said

with confusion.To Romerix's right

is the infatuated Sera who is giving him quick glances every now and then and to

Romerix's left is the giggling Lunai and chuckling Zacharias. They are surprised

Romerix has no clue whatsoever to how Sera is around him.