
Sorcerer Magazine Special Edition

Waking up in the early morning, Cana Alberona entered the bathroom to wash her face. She had been living in Fairy Tail's dorm for the past few years.

In the past, Cana was living in an orphanage, but she had grown up after all and she knew the financial condition of the orphanage wasn't good so she decided to move to the Fairy Tail's dorm since she had started to work for the past few years and made her own money.

Of course, her work was quite limited and she didn't do dangerous work since her power wasn't enough.

Usually, she took a job to become an entertainer for the party since such a job was very suitable for her magic.

Cana mastered Card Magic.

Magic Card is a type of Holder Magic which revolves around the use of Magic Cards, which can produce a variety of effects, such as generating elements, and even seemingly living beings.

Cana thought of getting another job since her wallet was almost emptied after her trip to the Land of Isvan.

Cana remembered when she came to the Land of Isvan, the land which was being cursed by Deliora's curse had become very fertile land and it was really beautiful scenery and the temperature was quite cool after that curse had disappeared.

However, it seemed that her trip with her friends to the Land of Isvan was undoubtedly a failure since she could see that Gray seemed to be very sad for some reason.

Cana didn't know the reason why Gray was so sad and she didn't ask a question either since each member of the Fairy Tail also had their own secret, she even had her own secret. Thinking about the person that she wanted to meet... she hurriedly shook her head and decided to focus on thinking about what kind of job she should take on the guild later.

Though, at the same time, Cana was curious what Deliora's curse was and there wasn't any detail at how the disaster had been solved which made her became very curious since she was wondering how someone was able to solve the curse that was able to freeze half of the Land of Isvan.

However, Cana knew that it was useless since there wasn't any detailed information at how that curse was being solved in the newspaper.

Cana walked out from the dorm and walked toward the headquarters of Fairy Tail.

Along the way, she didn't feel anything weird until she realized that everyone on the town seemed to hold a magazine in their hands. Then she stopped when she saw a lot of people gathered in the bookstore.

"Why are there so many people?"

Cana raised her eyebrow then noticed that each person that came out from the bookstore was holding a magazine in their hands. It wasn't only one or two, but almost all of the people who entered the bookstore bought the same magazine. She became curious and walked toward the bookstore.

Cana didn't intend to buy the magazine since she didn't have that much money. She only came because of her curiosity, but then she saw what kind of magazine everyone had bought from the bookstore with a surprise expression, especially when she saw the title of the magazine.


Sorcerer Magazine.

Special Edition: Ichiya Bizarre Adventure!

Vanquish of Deliora's Curse!

The Struggle Between Man and Nature!



Cana was surprised and hurriedly took the magazine since she could see that the magazine was almost sold out. She knew that if she was late then she might need a long time to buy this magazine after it was sold out.

The price of the magazine wasn't that expensive, but her money wasn't much after all.

Cana thought that she should ask Gray to reimburse her later after she had read the entire magazine. She paid for the magazine on the cashier quickly and left the bookstore since there were a lot more people which made this place became very crowded.

Cana ran out and then sighed in relief when she came out. Then she walked slowly while looking at the cover of the magazine. She had to admit the cover of the magazine was very cool and the content of the magazine seemed very eye-catching. She didn't know who the model of this magazine was, but she could tell that the name of this model should be Ichiya since the headline of this magazine was "Ichiya Bizarre Adventure".

Cana observed the cover for a full minute since Ichiya on the cover gave off a very manly feeling. She was 13 years old after all and she also knew that there was a relationship between different genders.

Cana couldn't see Ichiya's face clearly since his face was covered in a fedora hat, but she could see that handsome smirk and that Greek god like body under that shirt from this photo. She was sure that every girl would become wet when they saw Ichiya's body and every male was also amazed since Ichiya's style was very handsome. She hadn't seen this kind of clothes before and felt a bit curious.

If someone from Bourne's previous world saw the cover of the magazine, then they would think that Ichiya's style was similar to Indiana Jones.

Cana couldn't handle it anymore and opened the magazine directly. She started to read while walking to the headquarters of the Fairy Tail. While reading, her heart was beating very fast since the story of Ichiya on the Land of Isvan was very exciting. The more she read the more excited she was since she felt that she was in the Land of Isvan itself. She portrayed herself as Ichiya who did her best to vanquish the Deliora's Curse which had terrorized the Land of Isvan for the past five and half a years.

Then without noticing, she stopped on the side of the street reading the story of Ichiya in the land of winter.



When the story was over, Cana sighed and felt very satisfied with the magazine. She looked at the cover of the magazine again and thought that she should buy this magazine again in the future.

"Next Wednesday, huh?"

There was a notice about the full coverage of one of the best guilds on Fiore, Blue Pegasus and an interview with the "Beautiful Beast of Blue Pegasus", Ichiya Vandalay Kotoboki.

Cana sighed since she couldn't read this magazine as soon as possible, but at the same time, she was also attracted by the advertisement on the magazine.


Bring Perfect Beauty

Beauty House, Belle.


"The beauty house, Belle."

Cana muttered and felt curious. She was a girl after all and of course, she was attracted by this advertisement, especially when she saw the model was very beautiful.

"Karen Lilica, huh?"

Cana thought that she had heard this name before, but well, she shook her head and hurriedly ran toward the headquarters of Fairy Tail to show this magazine to everyone.

"Everyone, look at this magazi---"

Cana was about to say something, but stopped when she saw that everyone was holding the same magazine in their hands.

"Oh, Cana, have you also read that magazine?" Erza asked.

"Uwooh! Ichiya is so cool!" Natsu screamed loudly in excitement.

"Cool! Cool! Cool!" Happy, the flying cat, was flying around and seemed to be very excited.

Cana then looked at Gray, who scrutinized his eyebrows and walked toward him. "Have you read it?"

"Yeah...." Gray felt a bit complex at this moment when he read this magazine. Though, at the same time, he was wondering whether he could meet Ichiya to search for information about Bourne and Ur.

"Well, if you have read it then it is good." Cana nodded, but then she remembered that there was only one or two coins in her wallet. Looking at Gray who was only in his undies and became annoyed.

Gray's head was being slammed so suddenly. He was startled then he became annoyed.

"What are you doing?!"

"If you've bought the magazine then tell me! I don't need to buy the magazine and can read it from yours."


Looking at Cana, Gray was wondering where that gentle girl was. He shook his head and kept reading since he wanted to know who Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki was.


Every Sorcerer Magazine in the bookstore was sold out and the bookstore hurriedly ordered the magazine again from the publisher.

At the same time, the name Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki reverberated throughout the Kingdom of Fiore and he also received another nickname: "The Man among Men."