
Chairman: I'm Going To Lead This Family To Greatness

Eli Miller was born with a slight talent for comitting crimes. One day he comittes his first real crime and decides to make money of it.

Sore_Eros · Realistic
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Eli, now 14 years old was sitting home practicing a skill that he learned in the juvie. Lockpicking.

Yes, he decided that he was going to become a carjacker. Though he can't drive he gets the gist of it and thought 'It can't be that hard can it?'

(A/N: Btw, I decided that I'm just going to use real brand names, it's a pain in the ass to rewrite them.)

Later that night he was fully ready.

He was dressed in an almost full-black attire. Black Nike hoodie, black Nike sneakers, black Adidas sweatpants, and one more thing that wasn't black though. It was his gloves, people with OCD now can hold their heads. He was wearing white gloves, wanting to make sure he won't leave behind fingerprints, that's something his more experienced friends told him. That was how they knew it was he who killed the mall cop.

Eli was prowling the parking lot near a mall.

As he was creeping into the shadows, with his hands in his pockets, he saw an SUV all alone in the corner of the parking lot.

He walked closer to it and searched the car up on his phone, which he bought with his dirty money.

It's a Chevrolet Equinox. Since it looks used and looks to be around 2 years old, its estimated value is around $19.3k

'It would be a good start to celebrate my freedom.' Eli thought.

Eli put his bag down on the ground and took out a thin silver metal and a tension wrench. He skilfully picked the lock of the car, without starting the car's alarm, opened the door, and sat in it. A few minutes later trying to start the car, he finally managed to do it and carefully drove off.

"Aaaaaahhh! Ah, holy shit! I fucking did it! Whooooo!" Eli screamed as he drove outside of the town.

A day later, he went on the dark web and uploaded a bunch of pictures of the car and he priced it at $15.44k He was sure that nobody would buy it at its estimated value, so he lowered its price.

Another day later someone messaged him, saying they were interested in the car. They agreed to meet up at a discreet place.

Eli took off the license plate of the car and drove there, which wasn't too far away, around a 10 minutes drive.

He arrived there and he saw a woman, around her late 20s. Before he walked up to her, he put on his facemask.

"Are you the buyer?" Eli asked.


"Okay, come on"

Eli motioned the woman to come after him.

With a motion of his hand, he presented the car to her. "You can check it, it's the exact car."

"It's alright. So, it's $15.440, right?"

"Yeah." Eli nodded

She handed the money to Eli and he handed the keys over to her, then he said "You're gonna need a new license plate"

"I know."

"Just sayin'" Eli shrugged.

She got in the car and drove off while slightly waving to him.

"...She was kinda hot"

Eli took off his mask and started counting the cash in his hand. "It's all there, though I should have counted it before giving away the key...I'm such an amateur."

A month later he was creeping in the parking lot again.

He saw a Subaru Impreza. He picklock it and got in, but...before he could start it, a guy, maybe a college kid, saw him sitting in the car.

Eli got out and tried to run off, but the guy was faster than him and caught him.

He tried punching him, but the guy blocked his fist and countered.

His fist slammed down on Eli's face once, twice, thrice...after the sixth he stopped punching him, stood up, and kicked him in his side as Elis turned on his stomach.

*Cough, cough, cough* Eli coughed "Fuck..."

"Huh? What's wrong with you, huh? Tryna steal my car, you fuckin' pussy!" He shouted as he kicked him in the head.

Eli held his head in pain. 'Why, am I always so fucked?! Shit!' he thought.

Eli looked at the guy and saw him dialing a number, then he heard a faint voice from the phone. "911, what's your emergency?"
