
Chainsaw man: The Gun devil

As the Gun Devil, I was consumed by a singular purpose My transformation into this relentless force of destruction brought with it a newfound power a fusion of human and firearm. I became a living arsenal

Hellopeople1222 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


As we reached a relatively secluded location, my intuition prompted me to come to a sudden halt. The officers, caught off guard by my actions, urged me to continue moving forward. However, a surge of defiance welled up within me, and I couldn't help but challenge their authority.

"What if I don't want to?" I spoke up, my voice laced with rebellion. I had no intentions of blindly following their orders without knowing the reasons behind their actions.

The lead official, his face devoid of emotion, responded with a cold and unwavering tone. "Then obviously, we're going to have to take you by force." His words hung in the air, a clear indication that they were not willing to negotiate or entertain any resistance.

I met his gaze. "You can try that," I retorted,

I knew that using a conventional weapon like a gun would reveal my identity as the Gun Devil, However, I possessed another powerful weapon in my arsenal, the element of fire.

In an instant, the temperature in the room spiked, a result of my fiery abilities. The air became charged with heat, causing beads of sweat to form on the brows of the officers. With a flick of my wrist, flames materialized, dancing at my command. The room was bathed in a warm, ominous glow as I harnessed the destructive power of fire,

"Stop," voice said firmly, coming to a halt. I looked up to see a figure standing before me, a voice calling out, "Nice to meet you, I'm Quanxi."

"Quanxi", I exclaimed, my eyes widening in a mixture of surprise and curiosity. I gazed at her intently, trying to comprehend the reason for her unexpected presence.

"Why are you here?" I questioned, unable to conceal my intrigue. The circumstances seemed unusual, and I yearned to understand her motives. Quanxi had a reputation for being fiercely independent and rarely associating with others. Her sudden appearance in this situation raised countless questions in my mind.

She met my gaze with a sly smile, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "I think the question is why are you here," she said, her voice laced with a mix of amusement and confidence.

I regarded Quanxi with a firm gaze, my tone filled with determination. "First, get your dogs to release me," I asserted,

Quanxi's eyes flickered with amusement, seemingly entertained by my assertiveness. "first, lower the heat of this room," she countered, her voice dripping with confidence.



We stood in silence for what felt like half a minute, the air thick with anticipation. I observed her closely, searching for any signs of deception or hidden agendas.

"Fine," I responded with a hint of disdain

I quickly focused my energy, exerting control over the flames that enveloped the surroundings. With a deep breath and a concentrated effort, I suppressed the intense heat, causing it to dissipate temporarily. The air grew cooler as the flames retreated, allowing a momentary respite from the scorching temperatures.

As I stood there, my gaze locked with Quanxi's, a tense silence filled the air. The weight of our confrontation hung heavily upon us, both of us aware of the stakes involved. Finally, with a flicker of understanding in her eyes, Quanxi nodded and uttered the words I had been waiting for.

"Men, let go of him," she commanded, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife. Her tone carried authority and confidence, leaving no room for hesitation.

The grip of her men around my arms loosened, their fingers releasing their tight hold.

"So, what did you want from me?" I asked, my voice laced with a hint of skepticism.

Quanxi lifted my chin with her hand, her breath warming my face. Her intense gaze met mine, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. "Nothing," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "I just wanted to see the guy everyone is talking about."

I slapped her hand away from my chin, "How did you find me?" I inquired, hoping to understand how she had managed to track me down.

Her eyes widened, surprised by my question. She paused for a moment, as if contemplating her response. "You're serious, right?" she finally said,

A sigh, escaped Quanxi's lips. she said "You really can't do anything besides killing?"

I felt a surge of indignation rise within me, fueled by her dismissive words. I had honed my skills and abilities to become a formidable force, not just a mindless killer.

"You know how suspicious it is when someone wears a mask and a hat in the middle of an airport?" she said, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and disbelief. With a slight gesture, she showed me the screen of a nearby security monitor, displaying footage of my arrival at the airport.

On the screen, I saw myself, clad in my signature attire, standing out among the crowd of travelers. The image froze, capturing the moment when I had disembarked from the plane, my face concealed by a mask and my head adorned with a hat. The scene was surreal, like a snapshot of a covert operation taking place in the midst of a bustling public space.

As I gazed at the screen, a realization washed over me. Quanxi was right. In my attempt to maintain my anonymity and blend into the shadows, I had inadvertently drawn attention to myself. The contrast between my mysterious appearance and the ordinary travelers around me was stark and undeniable.

"Fine, so what do you want to do now?"

"Nothing really," she replied with a playful smile, her tone teasing yet genuine. "But I really would like it if we could go out to dinner."

"No, thanks," I said firmly, my tone resolute. I turned around, ready to leave and put some distance between myself and Quanxi. Despite the intrigue and curiosity that her proposition had sparked, I couldn't shake off the wariness that lingered within me.

She took a step closer, her eyes fixed on mine with an intensity that matched her words. "Hold on, I can't just let you leave, a mass murderer on the loose," she asserted, her voice firm and unwavering. There was a hint of defiance in her tone, a refusal to accept my rejection without a fight.

"how about signing a contract with me"

Quanxi's voice caught me by surprise as I turned to face her once again. Her proposition of signing a contract with her seemed unexpected, and it piqued my curiosity. I paused, considering the implications of such an arrangement.

"What kind of contract?" I inquired, my tone cautious but intrigued. I had encountered various contracts throughout my life as an operative, each with its own set of terms and consequences.

The voice carried an air of authority and compassion as she broached the subject of the contract. Her words held an unwavering resolve, yet her tone carried a touch of empathy and understanding. With a firm yet gentle voice, she proposed, "I suggest a contract that guarantees the safety of all within these walls during your stay."

Author diary: today I ate lots of food


some questions you may ask

Why did Mc personality suddenly change during slice of life: No it didn't change he's only cold during missions, he's recovered slightly he's regaining his lost personality slightly, but also is still affected as seen from the cigarette, he recovered a lot but still has change in his personality.

I thought he was gun devil why is he contracting fire devil: one man can contract many devils but he is mainly contracted to gun devil.

When is extra chapter:

20 stones is 1 chapter

40 stones is another

60 is another

and so on

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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