Reincarnated into the world of devils, a young man finds himself in a survival situation with nothing but a game-like system at his disposal.
After taking care of the Infinity Devil, the Public Devil Hunter Association handled the bodies of the deceased private hunters and the citizens who had been trapped for an eternity. Sam, on the other hand, could barely contain his happiness as Himeno drove them back, with Power, Arai, and Kobeni sitting in the back.
Kobeni had been staring at him angrily, which he found amusing.
'Man, why can I never stop messing with people? Guess living alone for long makes me like this. Or is it Power affecting me?
'I don't care. I got 4 levels up in a row. And that's it. Nothing can ruin my day.'
He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.
"Sam, don't forget about my steak," Power declared.
"Yeah, yeah, don't worry," Sam replied.
"Also, don't invite her in. She'd only disturb your focus," Power pointed at Himeno.
"What do you mean?" Kobeni asked.
"We're just friends," Sam replied.
Power ignored Sam and turned to Kobeni. "She takes all of our sausage, leaving me none. I won't let my househusband waste his effort on someone who doesn't contribute anything to my home."
Kobeni blushed slightly, and Arai coughed.
"Do you know what 'his sausage' could mean?" Kobeni whispered to Power.
"I don't know. But I think it's something to do with her meat. Although she only brought beer with her," Power said.
Himeno almost pressed the brakes.
Sam sighed. He decided to change the topic. "Power, you are the one who does nothing but eating and sleeping."
"That's only because I have yet to take my first payout. Also, I put my clothes in the laundry," Power said. "That's a lot of help you are getting."
"Thanks for your amazing contribution," Sam rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't know what to do if not for you."
"You're welcome," replied Power, smiling.
After the mission, Sam went with the others to report to Makima.
"So, you've defeated the Infinity Devil," she said. "But somehow, the piece vanished. And you can't use the other fragments to find it. Am I getting that right?"
"Yes," replied Aki.
"Sam, did you hide it somewhere?" Makima said. "You were the one to deliver the final blow to the devil."
Sam shook his head. "If I did, I would be located by the other fragments. And if I hid it somewhere nearby, it would be located anyway. I see no logic in stealing it. I didn't steal it."
He didn't steal it. The system did. He was totally honest.
"Very interesting. Everyone, get out. As for Lee, stay," Makima said, for the first time, calling him by his second name.
Everyone left. Sam suddenly felt a bit nervous. Why was he left behind?
"Is there anything you need from me, boss?" he asked as he turned his face to her and smiled.
"Yes. Sit," she said.
Sam did as he was told.
"Why are you nervous?"
"Well, you know. There are a few times when you feel nervous. When you have your first date, first fight, first sex. And when your boss asks you to stay out of all the people. It's my first time. Did I mess up somehow?"
"Sarcasm won't get you out. Answer my questions," Makima said, her tone getting colder and colder.
"Okay," Sam shrugged.
"According to many reports, you seem to have a hunch that allows you to locate devils. You even could tell that the whole building was the Infinity Devil before getting to it. Want to explain yourself?"
"Something I've had ever since I came to this world," he replied.
Why Makima was asking him these questions?
"Your success rate appeared to be 100%. You are the most productive short-term devil hunter. I can say you have a wonderful sense."
"Yes," he nodded. Drum. Drum. His heart pounded louder and louder. Somehow, he had a hunch where this was going.
"Sam, do you think you are speaking to the same human you were speaking to a minute ago?" She said, letting her face closer to his, locking her eyes onto him.
Shit! She knew that he knew that she was a devil. Did he mess up?
Out of all the devils, Makima had the scariest ability one could witness.
Sam took a deep breath, trying to calm his heart.
Also, there was no use in lying.
"Since the moment I met you, I knew," Sam replied.
"You know what I am?"
"A devil," he said.
'God. I know I haven't prayed in a long time. But save me from her, because she's a crazy bitch.' He thought.
"Why didn't you think of telling anyone?" She said.
"Why would I tell anyone? You are on our side, aren't you?" Sam smiled at her. "Otherwise, why would the Public Devil Hunter supervisors hire you?"
"You're right at that part," she said.
"To be honest, I owe you a bit. You saved my life, after all," Sam said. "You also don't hunt for blood. You don't kill people. And you do the best for the organization."
"I didn't tell you to overtalk, did I?" Makima cut him.
"No, boss," Sam replied.
"You're quite interesting," she smiled. "To fool me all along. You should be proud of yourself."
"I never fooled you. You simply never asked me," he smiled back. "Why would I fool someone who sheltered me, fed me, and paid my debt?"
"How would you prove that?" she asked.
"You are a devil. As a devil, you can make a contract," Sam took a deep breath. "How about this deal? For believing in me, you get 80 years of my lifespan."
You know, guys, if you know math, you know it. Infinity minus 80 is still infinity.
"To give such an outrageous claim, Are you immortal?"
"No. I just don't fear death."
"That's a lie. You are very fearful of death," Makima caught him. But it seemed that his willingness to offer his lifespan — that much, confused her.
"But my offer isn't. I'm willing to offer more of my life if you don't believe me," he said, honestly.
Man. That deal with the Infinity Devil was the best thing he had ever done.
"Keep it. You are no use to me if you are dead."
"But I'll give you a direct warning. Keep it a secret, for the sake of your own life," she said. "Also. I'm watching over you all the time."
"You don't need to worry," Sam waved his hand.
"Oh. I need to worry. Buy some condoms. The last thing I need in my office is a pregnant effective agent," Makima said.
Out of surprise, his face almost turned red. Sam lowered his head, feeling naked. Did she watch him having sex with Himeno? She even told him to buy a condom.
'That's it. I'm a porn star now. One of my childhood dreams has been achieved.'
"But if you don't fear death," Makima said. "I'll make a deal with you, and I'll give you a power that shortens your lifespan."
Sam suddenly felt interested. "What power?"