
So... yanderes are a thing

After my second birthday, I felt everything slowly fall apart.

The devil began staying over more often than not, always sharing my spot on the floor and burying herself into my blanket, wrapping herself around me and caressing me, ignoring the shivers that went through my body whenever she did so.

Mom and dad grew more worried about me. Now it wasn't only the fact that I hadn't spoken a single word yet, which made them think I might be mute, but also the fact that I was barely getting any sleep at night. Eye-bags formed on my face and I began to fall asleep pretty much anywhere, only to be jolted up whenever I did so because I felt the her touches on me. I knew she wasn't there, and yet no matter what I did it felt as though she was always right behind me.

"Darling..." she whispered, once again dropping herself unannounced and uninvited to my room. "I've been thinking for a while now... when will you say my name? Of course I want those to be your first words, but I don't know how much longer I can wait!" she said, her tone sounding almost like a plea if not for the disturbing look of impatience on her eyes. She wanted it, and she wanted it right now.

'This fucking psycho...' I cursed, which might have been brave if I hadn't done it in my head while my body shivered. 'She has never told me her name!'

My eyebrow rose as I looked at her. I didn't want to see her face, I didn't want to see that obsessive look of hers, I didn't want to see that grin that she wore whenever she was happy. I just wanted her to leave, to disappear, to go die on a ditch. I wanted her fucking gone from my life.

She recognised my raised eyebrow as a question, but by the way she put her anger under her chin she didn't seem to understand what I was asking, and it pissed her off.

the thing about soulmates is that they can read each other thoughts as if they were their own. Of course that's not how it works, but the lunatic in front of me seemed to think so, which meant that not understanding what I was thinking was basically me saying 'fuck you, get lost you random hoe, we are not soulmates because you can't read my mind. You are useless and you should die'. Granted, those were my real thoughts, but there is a reason why I don't share them.

A frown grew on her face as impatience began to crack her smile. her eyes went from obsessive love to utter anger in the span of a second.

This is why I don't say my thoughts aloud.

My throat tightened under the pressure of her hand and I found myself being lifted and pressed against the wall. Her entire expression screamed indignation at the current situation, while my expression must show something more along the lines of 'I am terrified, please don't give me a heart attack'.

And let me tell you, that was the wrong expression.

"Stop thinking that I will kill you!" she said, her tone getting a bit too loud for my liking. Granted, no tone of hers was to my liking, but she was risking being heard by my parents, and if they heard her they would come. If they come, I have no doubt she would kill them. Also, how was I not supposed to think she was going to kill me? She was literally holding me by the throat and asphyxiating me!

"I just want to live with you forever, don't you get it?!" she said, traces of despair combining with the impatience of her voice. "You won't have to fear death, and everything that will be around you is me! Don't you want that?! I want that, don't you understand!"

I understand nothing. First of all, why was she obsessed with me? So far she has not shown any signs of knowing I have a deal with Parallel devil, if anything I think that would be a deterrent. So why did she 'love' me?

I am absolutely certain that the first time we met she was already like this, and by then I was only a baby, I couldn't have done anything to garner her attention at all. Yanderes are supposed to appear after someone does something for them, not out of nowhere to terrorise a baby!

A gasp left my mouth as I continued to try breathing, however no air came in. She continued on her rant, however the words weren't reaching my ears, everything around me became a mumbled mess and black spots began to cover my vision. The veins in my body felt like they were about to explode and my heart began to beat faster.






The thumps inside my chest soon became so slow that the pressure I had felt on my veins was about to vanish.

A heart attack.


No. No. No.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO.

Not again. Not like this. Please stop! Parallel! Your deal, come and uphold it! Fuck not this, not like this.

I felt my arms desperately flailing around, scratching the skin on her arm, but all they did was tire me faster. Her expression focused on me and I saw her body change, and my delusional mind gave her the form of a spider-like monster, with several legs and around a dozen eyes on its disturbing face. Yeah, that image showed her true nature much better.

And then came darkness.




Author Note: There is an actual reason for her to be obsessed with the mc. It's (at least to me) not the usual dumb bullshit of 'he smiled at me!' that seems to motivate all yanderes in anime.