
Chains of Blood

In a world of magic and mystery a young farm boy named Kaelen is thrust into a brutal gladiatorial arena after witnessing his family’s murder and being sold into slavery. At fifteen, Kaelen’s immense physical strength and resilience become his only means of survival as he fights monstrous beasts and seasoned gladiators in the blood-soaked pits.

0Rokan0 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 26: Bonding

Lady Elara spent quite some time showing Kaelen around the house. She introduced him to all of their house staff and brought him to every room in the giant manor. It took close to, if not over, an hour, but Kaelen did not mind being dragged all over the place. No matter how long it took or how many times they stopped so Lady Elara could explain something to him, she never stopped smiling. Seeing her like that brought a smile to his face as well. During the two years Kaelen had spent as a slave, smiles had been hard to come by, so he wanted her to keep smiling because he was happy whenever she could.

Images of Roderick's smile popped into his mind, but with those thoughts came a question. "Lady Elara?" he asked tentatively.

"Yes, my dear?" she replied, her tone gentle and warm.

"Do you by chance know of a Lord Aldric?" Kaelen inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Lady Elara paused for a moment, her brow furrowing in thought. "I believe that there was a Viscount by the name of Aldric at one point. Yes, that's right, Aldric Laindell. He was once the patriarch of the Laindell family."

Kaelen pondered her words, getting stuck on one. "Once?" he echoed, his voice tinged with confusion.

"Yes," she said, her smile fading slightly. "I heard that he had taken ill a few years back and had passed not too long ago. Why do you ask?" Her tone was gentle but probing.

"Oh, it's nothing. I once knew someone who claimed to have known him," Kaelen replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Lady Elara's expression softened. She placed a reassuring hand on his arm, her touch warm and comforting. "It's always intriguing to hear about the connections people have. Life has a way of intertwining our paths in the most unexpected ways."

Kaelen nodded, appreciating her understanding. He decided to change the subject, not wanting to dwell on the past. "This house is truly magnificent. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. How long have you and Lord Garen lived here?" he asked, genuinely interested.

Lady Elara's face lit up again, her smile returning. "Oh, we've been here for many years. This manor has been in Garen's family for generations. It's a place filled with history and memories."

"Speaking of Lord Garen," Kaelen said, glancing around the opulent hallway, "I wonder where he and Ariana ran off to?"

Lady Elara's eyes brightened with a hint of amusement. "Ah, they must have gone to the training grounds. Garen likes to keep in shape, and Ariana has taken quite an interest in swordsmanship lately. It's become their routine."

Kaelen's interest was piqued. "The training grounds? I didn't realize there were such facilities here."

Lady Elara chuckled softly. "Oh, yes. We have a dedicated area for training and practice. Garen believes in staying sharp, and it's become a bonding activity for him and Ariana. Come, I'll show you where it is."

Lady Elara guided Kaelen to the training grounds, where he could see Ariana and Lord Garen in the midst of a sparring match. The area was a blend of sand and gravel, enclosed by wooden fencing. Practice dummies, archery targets, and various training equipment were scattered throughout the space.

Lord Garen, with his imposing presence, was skillfully wielding a longsword. Across from him, Ariana was using a rapier, her movements sharp and determined. Despite the intensity of the match, both were clearly enjoying themselves.

As they approached, Lady Elara said, "Garen and Ariana have made this their routine. Garen is always keen to stay sharp, and Ariana has been training diligently under Sir Tristan's guidance."

Kaelen watched as Ariana deftly parried a blow from Garen, retaliating with a quick and precise thrust. Her focus and agility were impressive, a testament to her hard work and dedication.

Lord Garen, noticing Kaelen and Lady Elara's approach, signaled for a break and lowered his sword. Ariana, catching her breath, ran over to greet them, her face radiant with excitement.

"Kaelen!" Ariana exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "I'm so glad you're here. Did you enjoy the tour?"

Kaelen grinned, still energized from watching the sparring. "Yes, the house is amazing. And it looks like you're holding your own quite well."

Lord Garen stepped forward, his demeanor warm and welcoming. "I'm pleased you're finding your way around. Ariana has been working hard with Sir Tristan, and it's wonderful to see her improvement."

Ariana wiped sweat from her forehead and gestured to the practice area. "Why don't you join us for a while? It would be great to have you spar with us. We could use another pair of skilled hands."

Kaelen hesitated for a moment, considering the memories of his training with Roderick. The thought of picking up a weapon again sparked a sense of excitement within him. "I'd be happy to. But I might need to start with some warm-ups first."

Kaelen walked to the edge of the training grounds, his gaze sweeping over the array of weapons displayed on the racks. Spears, maces, swords of all shapes and sizes were meticulously arranged. His eyes were drawn to a particular rack where a large two-handed sword rested. With purposeful strides, he approached and reached for the imposing weapon. As he pulled it from the rack, the weight of the blade felt reassuring in his hands. He ran his fingers down the dull edge, closing his eyes momentarily to appreciate the subtle, resonant hum of the steel.

A small crowd of guards and servants had gathered, their murmurs and whispers rising with curiosity. Some scoffed at the sight of Kaelen wielding such a massive sword, while others watched with keen interest, eager to see what he would do next.

Kaelen turned to Lord Garen, who stood with a bemused expression, and bowed politely. "Would it be alright with you if I have a spar with my sister?"

Lord Garen raised an eyebrow but nodded with a warm smile. "Of course, Kaelen. I'm sure Ariana will be happy to oblige."

Ariana, who had been chatting with a few of the staff, glanced over with a mix of surprise and curiosity. She walked toward Kaelen, her gaze shifting from the large sword in his hands to his confident stance. "A spar, huh? With that sword, you must have some serious plans in mind."

Kaelen grinned, a spark of mischief in his eyes. "Just wanted to see how well you handle a challenge."

Ariana's eyes lit up with determination. "Alright then, let's see what you've got."

With the crowd looking on with interest, Ariana took her place in the center of the arena. She drew her rapier, its sleek blade glinting under the sunlight. Kaelen stepped forward, positioning himself across from her. The disparity between their weapons was evident—Ariana's rapier was agile and precise, while Kaelen's two-handed sword was designed for powerful, sweeping strikes.

"Ready?" Ariana called out, her tone playful yet focused.

Kaelen nodded, his expression serious as he raised the massive sword. "Ready."

Kaelen's spar with Ariana was more than just a display of skill; it was a deliberate test of her capabilities. Despite the massive two-handed sword he wielded, Kaelen's movements were fluid and precise, revealing an unexpected grace in his technique. His strikes, while powerful, were measured and purposeful, aimed not to overwhelm but to assess Ariana's reactions and proficiency.

As the two began their duel, Kaelen's large blade sliced through the air with a controlled power, each swing calculated to probe Ariana's defenses. The crowd's initial skepticism turned to intrigue as they observed Kaelen's surprising agility with the enormous weapon. His strikes, though seemingly cumbersome, were executed with a speed and accuracy that belied the sword's size.

Ariana, fully aware of her brother's formidable abilities, responded with agility and skill, her rapier darting in quick, precise movements. She used her speed to her advantage, deflecting Kaelen's powerful blows with practiced ease. Each clash of their weapons echoed through the arena, a testament to their skill and the intensity of their engagement.

Kaelen's focus remained on Ariana's performance. He noted how she adjusted her stance to absorb the impact of his strikes, how she maneuvered to avoid the heavier blows, and how she used her rapier to exploit any openings. His approach was less about defeating her and more about evaluating her growth since their separation.

"Nice block," Kaelen said after Ariana expertly deflected a particularly forceful swing. His tone was respectful, acknowledging her skill while still pushing her to demonstrate her best.

Ariana's responses were sharp and confident. She parried Kaelen's attacks with precision, countering with swift, calculated strikes of her own. She maneuvered around the larger blade with a fluidity that showed how much she had learned and improved. Despite the difference in their weaponry, she managed to keep Kaelen on his toes, her agility allowing her to evade and counter effectively.

As the sparring match continued, Kaelen gradually increased the intensity of his attacks, testing Ariana's endurance and tactical decisions. His swings became more forceful, his thrusts more probing, all while maintaining a level of control that ensured he didn't overpower her. He was determined to see how well she could handle herself against an opponent who was deliberately pushing her limits.

Ariana, focused and determined, met each challenge with a blend of agility and strategic thinking. She used her rapier's speed to create openings and took advantage of every opportunity to press her own attacks. Her eyes remained sharp, her movements precise, and her resolve unyielding.

After several minutes of intense combat, Kaelen stepped back, lowering his sword and allowing Ariana a moment to catch her breath. He nodded in approval, a hint of a smile on his lips. "You've done well," he said, his voice filled with genuine respect.

Ariana, breathing heavily but smiling with satisfaction, sheathed her rapier. "Thanks. I've had good teachers."

Lord Garen approached with a look of admiration. "That was an impressive display from both of you. Kaelen, it's clear that Ariana has benefited greatly from your training."

Kaelen nodded, still catching his breath. "She's come a long way. I just needed to see how well she's faring on her own."

Lord Garen gave Kaelen a hearty pat on the shoulder, the warmth of the gesture resonating with Kaelen's growing sense of belonging. Lady Elara, watching the exchange with a smile, approached Ariana and gently placed her hand on her face, her laughter a light, melodious sound that filled the air.

"I never thought in all of my years I would ever see that piece of metal being used," Lady Elara said, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she looked at Kaelen.

Kaelen turned his gaze from the sword to Lady Elara, curiosity piqued. "Really? I'm glad I could make it useful then."

Lady Elara continued, her tone filled with nostalgia. "Yes, it's quite a story. I had that sword made for Garen as a bit of a joke. You see, Garen and some of the older nobles used to share a jest about having the most impractical weapon ever crafted. That sword was my response to their humor—an extravagant piece of metal that would never see battle."

Garen chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, it was all in good fun. I'd almost forgotten about the jest. Seeing it actually in use, though, brings a certain charm to the whole affair."

Lady Elara's laughter was light and infectious, spreading to those around her. She continued, "It's a reminder that even the most whimsical of gifts can find their place in unexpected ways. And, more importantly, that sometimes the past can be honored in the present."

Kaelen smiled, appreciating the blend of humor and sentiment that marked the conversation. He looked at the sword again, realizing it had become more than just a piece of metal; it had become a symbol of shared laughter and unexpected connections.

"Well," Kaelen said, lifting his gaze to meet Lady Elara's eyes, "I'm honored to have been a part of its story. It made for a memorable sparring session."

They all began to laugh together.


After their hearty laughter echoed through the training grounds, the group decided to leave the arena behind. The vibrant energy of the training session had invigorated them, and they were eager to enjoy the sunny day in a different way.

Lord Garen, Lady Elara, Ariana, and Kaelen walked together, their spirits high as they headed towards the city of Aldwyn. The transition from the disciplined atmosphere of the training grounds to the lively streets was a refreshing change, and the sense of camaraderie carried over into their stroll.

The city was bustling with activity. Market stalls lined the streets, their colorful awnings creating a mosaic of reds, blues, and yellows. Vendors called out their wares—fresh fruits, fragrant spices, and intricate textiles—each stall offering a slice of Aldwyn's vibrant culture.

Kaelen marveled at the sights and sounds around him. The grandeur of Aldwyn was striking, with its wide boulevards, elegant architecture, and lush parks. It was a stark contrast to the small, rustic village he had left behind. As they walked, he noticed the intricately designed facades of the buildings, each telling its own story through detailed carvings and ornate decorations.

Lady Elara, walking beside Kaelen, took the opportunity to point out some of the city's highlights. "Over there," she said, gesturing towards a grand clock tower in the distance, "is one of Aldwyn's most famous landmarks. It's been here for centuries and is a symbol of the city's enduring history."

Ariana, walking on the other side of Kaelen, added with a grin, "And just past the clock tower is one of my favorite places—the Serene Garden. It's a peaceful spot where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Maybe we can visit it later?"

Kaelen nodded, his eyes reflecting his curiosity. "I'd like that. It sounds like a perfect place to relax."

Lord Garen, enjoying the lively banter, looked at Kaelen with a thoughtful expression. "You know, Kaelen, it's good to see you smiling. You've been through so much, and it's nice to see you taking a moment to enjoy yourself."

Kaelen met Lord Garen's gaze, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Lord Garen. I truly appreciate all you've done for Ariana and me. It means more than words can express."

As they continued their stroll, the group made their way through charming streets filled with quaint shops and lively cafés. They stopped at a street vendor selling fresh pastries and snacks, sampling treats and sharing laughter as they enjoyed the simple pleasure of good food and each other's company.

The afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the city, and the soft breeze carried the scents of blooming flowers and freshly baked bread. The city's energy was infectious, and Kaelen found himself enveloped in a sense of contentment he hadn't felt in a long time.

The group eventually reached the Serene Garden, its tranquil ambiance a welcome contrast to the city's lively pace. As they wandered through the garden's lush pathways, Kaelen couldn't help but feel a profound sense of peace. The vibrant colors of the flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves created a serene backdrop for the conversations and laughter that continued.

As they took in the beauty of the garden, Kaelen realized that he was not only rediscovering his sense of normalcy but also forging new, meaningful connections. In the company of Lord Garen, Lady Elara, and Ariana, he felt a renewed sense of hope and belonging.