
Chapter 11

I rested my head on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling. Last night, we kissed again. I guess, it could have gone more forward but we stopped and declared that it was too late. It was almost nine, which means I had to get ready for work, which means I had to face Aiden. Would it be awkward to look him in the eye after last night? I was not sure.

I lazily dragged myself to the bathroom and got ready for the day.

Breakfast was moderately entertaining. I told Martha about college and a little bit about my previous job. With everything that had been happening the last few days, I realized that I had not been checking my emails or applying to new jobs nearby. We chatted for some more time until I saw Aiden making his way down the stairs and checking something on his phone. I took a sharp breath and held it for God knows how long. He gave me a quick glance and approached the dining table. Martha immediately got up, ready to serve him breakfast.

"Finish your breakfast, Martha", he said, before she could take another step further.

"I am almost done, honey.", she said. "I made your favorite today. You have not been eating properly these days...."

I chuckled as she grumbled about how he needed to take care of his health or else he would grow old at forty-five itself.

"When does your shift start?", he asked, while Martha set his food on the table.

"Uhh, in about half an hour", I said, glancing at my phone to check the time.


The car ride to the cafe' did not take long.

"When am I supposed to pick you up?", he asked, after hitting the brakes.

"The shift ends at 3, but pick me up a little after four?", I said, thinking of spending a little more time with James and others.

"Why?", he asked, possibly implying the fact that I was willing to stay more than an hour after my shift.

"Uh, I'd like to spend some time with my friend.", I said, placing a curl behind my ear. He did not look convinced but nodded his head anyway. I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and waved.

"Wait", I said, turning to face him. "You don't have my number. Here you go." I took his phone, put my number in, and smiled.

With everything that had happened, it felt like it had been eons since I stepped into this place. The fresh aroma is nothing compared to Blossombee but for then it was comforting.

"Haven! What happened? You came to work after so long.", said James, giving me a quick side hug.

"Just two days, Jamie. And uh, I was sick.", I said, giving a small nervous laugh. I hated lying to him. However, I just convinced myself that it was partially true as I was indeed sick after the attack.

"Haven, who dropped you?", he asked. "Because I sure as hell believe that I just saw Aiden dropping you off."

I froze. I was not ready to explain my situation to anyone. James put his hand on my shoulder and spoke.

"Is he threatening you or something, Haven?", he asked. "He is not a good person, Haven. I don't understand how you are involved with anything related to him. How do you even know him?"

For some oblivious reason, I was mad. The fact that everyone spoke of him as if they knew him irked me to the core.

" Firstly, you don't even know him. I know that I don't either but for some reason I trust him. I do.", I said. "It's a long story, James. I will let you know."

"Let's go to Blossombee after your shift then?", he asked me and I nodded.




We walked to Blossombee immediately after my shift. I spent the whole time working but the only running in my mind was how to phrase the whole situation to explain to James that what I had been doing seemed right to me.

"So, spill.", he said, with a fake serious expression making me smile.

I carefully narrated everything and filtered the parts where Aiden used to lash out. James listened intently, widening his eyes occasionally. I could not explain why I was trying to portray him as a good guy. Maybe I was trying to convince him to give Aiden the benefit of the doubt before judging him.

"He saved you?", James asked me."And you saved him."

I understood that the story was a lot to take in for him.

"Actually, I saved him first.", I said, with a sense of delight.

"Whoa, Superwoman. I'd run to the hills if I ever see Aiden passing my way. You not only went straight, but you also dragged his ass home to tend his wounds.", said, with his dramatic tone.

We talked about various things and goofed around for a bit. And for some moments, it felt like everything was in place. My phone began ringing and I saw that it was a message from Aiden. Before I could reply, I saw him waltz his way through the door reminding me of the first day I had seen him. He seemed to be searching for someone until his eyes landed on me. It was obvious that it was me he had been searching for.

I raised my hand for a small wave with a huge grin on my face. He looked amused at my reaction until James caught his attention. It was clear that I know nothing about him. However, if the incidents with him these past few weeks gave me at least a little insight into his dispositions, then I was sure that Aiden looked pissed. And it is never a good thing.