

Ramira shakes her head and tries not to think about the past. Since the Kravil Kingdom does not want her to be their Crown Prince's wife, then she will not try to force herself on them. Although Ramira is still young, it does not mean she did not know how to value herself. King Teriza raised her as a princess loved by everyone. She will not lower herself just to be with a man who cannot see her real value.

Ramira should not be reminiscing about what happened in the past. She clicked her tongue while thinking that it was Theo's fault why she suddenly remembers it. If he didn't mention Prince Orpheus to her, then Ramira will not remember him again. Letting out a sigh, the princess quietly walks in the hallways until she reaches her own palace.

There are a total of five palaces owned by the royal family that follows the name of gemstones that can be found in their kingdom— the Peridot Palace, the Citrine Palace, the Zircon Palace, the Amber Palace, and the Diamond Palace.

When Ramira and Geradine were still young, their father allowed them to share a room since they always stick together all the time. The people in the palace rarely see them separated. Wherever Geradine goes, Ramira will always follow him. They were always seen walking side by side with their hands linked together.

But when they reached the age of eight, they started having their own palaces and studying the differences between their genders. King Teriza has given the Zircon Palace to Geradine while he gave the Amber Palace to Ramira. The Diamond Palace is the main palace where the King and Queen stay. The two unoccupied palaces are just used as rooms for the important guests who visit their country.

When the guards and servants sees the princess, they quickly bowed their heads in front of her. Ramira quickly told them to stand up and thank them for the hard work they are showing in their jobs. After that, she quickly goes back to her room and closes the door before the head maid can see her. After putting her things on the table, Ramira opens her closet and pulls a simple dress and hooded cape.

Ramira is not actually planning to visit their imperial father in his palace. She only said that to trick her twin brother. Today, Ramira is planning to visit the town and check the items that are sold in the market. After that, Ramira will visit the bridge where she can have the perfect view of the blue sea before getting back to her palace.

Pulling out the other things she will need like shoes to match her dress and a small pouch with money on it, Ramira opens the door first before slowly peeking her head to see if people are walking around her room. Seeing that even the head maid has not yet arrived in her room brings a mischievous smile on Ramira's lips. To make that no one can enter her room, the princess locked the door of her room and quickly changed her clothes.

Ramira looks at her reflection in the mirror. Her wavy hair that has a color resembling the blazing sun during the sunrise is now tied in a bun. Her blue eyes that Geradine always compared with the calm ocean are too eye-catching. Smacking her lips, Ramira takes a deep breathe first before opening her mouth to sing a song.

"The world that comes with thousands of colors,

Making it magical in one's sight,

From sunrise to sunset,

From ocean to greenfield,

Change its color and make it more magical."

After singing the lyrics of her song, sparkling light quickly covered her body from head to toe. When it disappears, Ramira quickly checks her reflection on the mirror once again. Her sunrise hair color turns into purple similar to the color of her father's royal robes. Her ocean-blue eyes are now green that looks like the fresh grass in their garden. With her new appearance, no one can easily recognize her as the princess of their kingdom.

Smiling to herself, Ramira properly wears the hood of her cape and puts the pouch of money in her pocket. Taking a deep breath, Ramira pushes the brick hidden behind her bed. Soon, a secret door near her bookshelf has opened. This secret passage will bring her to the town without anyone's knowledge.

The princess accidentally discovered that secret passage three years after she lives in her new palace. Ramira was only trying to hide from her nanny at that time and decided to hide behind her bed when she noticed the unusual design on the wall. When she pushed the odd-looking brick on the wall, another secret door appeared near the bookshelf which led her to the town for the first time. Since then, Ramira is using this secret passage when she wants to visit the town to unwind for a while.

Ramira keeps what she had discovered to herself. She did not even tell Geraldine about it. As much as she loves and trusts her twin brother, Ramira knows that Geradine will definitely make a way to stop her from leaving the palace. He might use his magic to block her secret passage or put guards around it to stop her at all cost.

Since then, Ramira is using this passage to get out of her palace and visit the town bustling with a lot of people. The princess also memorizes the schedules of King Teriza and Geradine to know when she can leave her palace without anyone noticing her disappearance. Ramira will be visiting the town for a maximum of three hours before Geradine finishes his extra classes. When the servants will ask where did she go, Ramira will just tells them she fell asleep somewhere in the palace and did not notice the time.

Before leaving, Ramira pulls the chain hanging near the door to close it. The passage is now pitch black and she cannot see anything. Ramira has to rely on the glowing stones she scattered inside of it to guide her way. But there are still times when she trips on the ground or when she bumps on the wall.

If Ramira can only use high-level magic just like her twin brother, she will not bother using this secret passage anymore. The magic that Ramira can only use is too simple and basic. If she tries using high-level magic like teleportation magic, either nothing will happen or her body will suffer its consequences.

To be fair, Ramira is not totally magicless. It was the opposite. It was said that Ramira was overflowing with mana when she was born so the wizards in the magic tower has to seal her magic to prevent her from dying. The wizards said they can only release the seal they put on her when she reached her adulthood age to make sure that her body is fully matured and it can handle the amount of mana that she naturally has in her system.

Ramira can still use simple magic and the medium she's using is her voice. She inherited the ability to sing from her mother, Queen Neria. The mana she's using is the excess that the seal fails to keep inside her body. Ramira is making her mana flow through her voice letting her use simple magic like concealing and healing magic.

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