

"Does it hurt?"


"It must be hurting. Let me patch it for you."

"These are just scratches."

"But it will leave a nasty scar on your hands if we don't treat it right."

"I'm a man, Ramira. Having a scar on our hands is not a problem for me. It's also natural for me to have a few scars in my body because I'm always practicing with a sword."

"Oh, shush. I will not let you have unnecessary scars under my watch. Either you let me use my song or I will treat it with this medicine in my hand. You choose."


"You are my twin, Geradine. Although we don't share the same face, you are still my other half. Because of that, I will never let my other half be covered with scars just because we didn't treat it right on time."


"We should still have something in common. Aside from being a twin, we should also add having no scars on our skin to our similarities."

"...Are you sure you didn't hit your head somewhere earlier?"

"Hey! That's rude."

"I know."