

Tabitha wasn't prepared for what changes going to that club would bring to her life, she wasn't prepared for who she met that night or what she saw but now that she's been thrown into that world, she has no choice but to adjust because that's the only way to stay alive. Cesare, the big bad Mafia boss, ruthless and merciless, the name that makes even the cops shiver in fear. Cesare's dangerously sexy, cocky, arrogant and very used to having everything go his way. He finds nothing more interesting than taking a person's life, watching them beg for their lives right before he takes it. That's until they meet

Coookiie · Urban
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17 Chs

Mafia Material?

Solotov's body falls to the floor as blood pumps out of his head creating a pool beside his limp body. Seeing Solotov get killed didn't affect me the way it did the first time I saw someone get killed, at the club, that day still gives me chills.

Chloe searches Solotov and brings out a small black box from his pocket "finally gotcha bestie, I should have killed you sooner" Chloe says kicking his body over. What was that? Bestie? Chloe and Solotov?

She puts the box in her pocket, she's not gonna even try to find out what is in it? Chloe grabs my hand pulling me with her as she matches out the room in quick steps. I make a mental note to find out what Chloe meant by bestie. I almost trip on the bodies of Solotov's two men that were guarding his front door but I see it sooner and avoided it. We walk over their body and back into the elevator with my heart still beating hard and fast from all that just happened.

"We've gotta get you out of here, your job is done" Chloe says to me

"I didn't even collect what Cesare said I should from Solotov"

"Oh, don't worry about that amigos" she waves her hand in front of her

The elevator takes us back to the grand floor which was the club before, it's a total chaos out here, girls are screaming and running for their dear lives, gunshots are released in every corner of the room and the dead bodies laying on the floor have their bloods making the whole place a mess.

"Take her to Cesare, I'll hold things down over here" another man approaches Chloe and I. I assume he's one of Cesare's men if Chloe hasn't shot him dead yet, this man looks a little bit familiar though but in this whole chaos, my mind is in jumbles and I just can't place yet how or where I've met him before, he's not also acting like I'm familiar to him so I'm not that sure if I actually know him

"No, you take her while I hold things down" Chloe says. What? No! I don't want to be left alone with a stranger. I'm about to say something but she doesn't leave space for any arguments as she's already walking to the dance floor where everything is going down. The guy who I still don't know growls at Chloe but she doesn't even turn back.

"Keep your head low and follow closely behind me" he says in a not so friendly way, obviously not happy that he's stuck with me but do I really don't give a fuck right now. I just need to get out of here alive first before I start worrying about that. He doesn't wait for me, he ducks his head and just like Chloe, takes quick steps to another door, opposite of the one I came in through. We are led to a stairwell that takes us to a parking lot, I immediately spot Cesare standing beside his car just like earlier when he came to pick me.

Relief washes over me when I see him and the feeling of safety embraces my being just like it does whenever I'm around him. For some reason, despite knowing the fact that he's capable of killing me and would do that without even thinking twice I still feel much more safe around him than I've ever felt with a man.

"Good job bambina" Cesare praises me as soon as I get to him

"Thanks Cesare, maybe I'm mafia material afterall" I joke not being able to stop the smile that spreads across my face from his words.

"Get in the car" he opens the door for me and without arguing I go in

Cesare doesn't get in immediately after me, he stays back exchanging a few words with the guy who Chloe had left me with. Now that my mind is a bit calm I think I can remember him, I've not seen him before but he does look exactly like the man Brea had described. The black hair, almost like Cesare's except that his has a bit more style than Cesare's. Cesare's hair is more messy but the messy strands all fall together to form a beautiful piece on his head giving his face a sexy frame.

He's also almost as tall as Cesare, maybe a few 2 inches shorter than him and doesn't have as much muscles as Cesare does, he has a leaner physic but you can tell it's really firm and strong and it also undergoes hours and hours of shaping at the gym. His eyes are black and cold just like Cesare's. Or maybe a bit colder than Cesare's. And just like Cesare and Chloe, he's in a black outfit, black dress shirts and pants and he does look smoking hot. No wonder Brea was gushing about him.

Facially, he looks a little like Cesare but still not as handsome as Cesare or even as sexy as him. They talk briefly before Cesare gets into the car and he walks back inside, probably to finish up with Chloe. I didn't hear what they talked about but I'm sure Brea would be so excited if I tell her that I saw her crush but I can't do that because then I would have to explain this whole situation and that's not really something I can do right now.

Cesare starts the car and drives us out of the parking lot

"You really don't wanna break a pinkie huh?" I say coyly

"You wish"

"What was in the paper?" I ask Cesare, not sure if he'll answer me

"Why Piccola, Did you open it?" He asks calmly

"N-No, I didn't open it" I quickly say

He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth making the tsk sound three times "you've been such a bad girl today honey, first you were stubborn about getting ready, then you disobeyed me, opened the paper that I asked you not to open and now you're lying to me...." He trails "you know what happens when you're being bad?" He asks, his voice dropping two tones lower than it was, raspy. God, how does he even do that?

I take a deep breath to calm my now growing nerves, the way he says it makes my heart beat faster and my pussy pulsate. My head shakes from left to right in an answer to his question, I don't trust my voice right now.


"No" I breath

"You'll find out" Cesare promises, chills run down my spine, drawing a string when it gets to my core. My thighs involuntarily tighten applying more pressure on my clit and I secretly bite my lip as I swallow hard. Damn Tabby, didn't know you were such a slut . Shut up! My subconscious mocks me but I immediately shut it

It seems like nature is against me right now because what happens next makes me wish the ground would just open and swallow me. Oh, there's no ground. Then the seat should let me melt into it!! My stomach growls really loudly reminding me and announcing to everybody that it needs to be fed. I've not had anything to eat since the apples I had in the morning.

The blush on my cheeks pushed through my caramel skin and is evident. Unfortunately the ground doesn't open to swallow me and the chair also didn't let me melt into it so I have to sit here with Cesare who obviously heard it too

His brows pull together in a beautiful frown "You skipped lunch" it was more of a statement than a question. I clear my throat not knowing what to say to him now. My silence further confirms his statement.

Cesare whirs the car around going back to the direction we just came from, he doesn't say anything and I'm too embarrassed and too turned on to say anything either so we both stay silent, the tense air makes the car ride a lot more unbearable.

After a few minutes of driving, Cesare pulls up in front of this big really classy restaurant just down the road. Thank God. I wouldn't have been able to bear another minute with the amount of tension in here. He parks by the corner and I don't waste another damn minute jumping down the car. Cesare walks to my side with a questioning look but I just play it dumb.

"Let's go in" he says and we start going in.

I'm not gonna lie, I feel really good in this dress, the way it suits my body coupled with the heels, makeup and hair. I look and feel really good and right now, walking with Cesare into this restaurant and attracting as much attention as we are just makes me feel like I'm in a movie, it feels like this is a different Tabitha, different from the regular one. Chloe should be a stylist, I wonder how she knew my exact size. Did Cesare show her a picture of me or something? How did he even get a picture of me?

"How did Chloe know exactly my size?" I ask Cesare

"She doesn't, I got them my self" He replies pushing the door open and allowing me to step in first

I almost trip as he says that, almost. But I catch myself really quickly "you got this yourself?" I ask in a mix of disbelief and surprise

"Mhmm" he confirms still walking casually like he always does, not giving a damn about shit, unintentionally or intentionally attracting everyone's attention in the room, even with the high walls of the restaurant he still seems so big in it, taking up so much air and space and leaving little for everyone else.

I feel so freaking proud right now, I know I shouldn't feel this way but I think I love the feeling and I'm going to bask in it, because this doesn't come everyday, literally everyone's attention is focused on me and Cesare, actually on Cesare but since we're together, I'm getting a lot more Than I usually do, some people are looking at us in awe and admiration while the rest are looking scared and ready to shit their pants

This place has more people than I had thought would be in here, there's almost a queue here. The place falls silent as soon as they set eye on Cesare, everybody tense as they're careful not to make any wrong moves. It seems like the people here are very much aware of who he is and what he does. Cesare doesn't waste anytime standing on the queue, he walks straight to the top counter ahead of everybody who was here before us.

Nobody dared utter a word and the woman with her child who was placing an order before we came in already cowered away in fear, carrying her daughter along with her. The whole counter is empty save for two workers who are literally shivering in fear. Guess who looks the most unbothered? Cesare

I've never known how much power Cesare actually has over the people until now "What will you have Piccola" Cesare's voice pulls my attention away from what had it occupied earlier.

"Huh? Erm....."I look around feeling a bit dumb as I don't even know what to order, I've been too busy being a new Tabitha today

"Get her a plate of spaghetti casserole and some skillet pepper stick" Cesare rescues me after waiting for my reply and it wasn't forthcoming. Luckily for me, he actually ordered something that I like to eat. But he said a plate though, is he not going to eat?

I tug his hand and his attention momentarily turns to me "what about you?" I ask

"I already had dinner"

Oh, I nod my head in understanding.

"T-th-that will b-be $56 an-and se-seventy two c-cents" the cashier stutters out.

I whip out my card from my clutch to pay but Cesare already handed the girl a $100, Pamela from what's written on her name tag.

"Cesare, I can pay for my own food" I say

"You can but you won't" I sigh not wanting to make an argument here, I'll loose anyways.

Getting the food ready and packed was a bit hard, they could barely do anything right with Cesare literally breathing down on their necks. They all clumsily moved around, mistaking dropping things here and there and they were clearly just confused. I feel bad for them, this was how I felt around him the first time we met and he almost blew my ear off. About half of the people that were in here when we walked in already left, the remaining half are still looking very tense save for the ones who don't really know Cesare, and they're just very few, maybe some of them have also had a bad encounter with him just like I did. I ended up sending Cesare back to the car when I realized if he didn't leave, Pamela and her co worker will not get their work done, it was a bit hard trying to convince him but he eventually left and waited for me to get the food which didn't take much longer.

"Took a whole fucking day" Cesare grumbles when I take back the passenger seat right beside him with the food in my hand

"Come on, they couldn't do their freaking job because you looked like you were gonna tear the whole place down if they didn't get the food in 3 seconds" I throw up my hands up

"If I was there, they damned well get it ready in 3 seconds"

"Oh God" I sigh in defeat, he's never gonna cave in. "Well, I'm here with the food now so there's no need for that"

Cesare smirks starting the car again and driving us out. I connect to his aux and this time we fall into a more comfortable silence as he drives me back home.

The ride back home was mostly silent, none of us saying anything unless we needed to but Cesare had this smirk on his face the whole time even though none of us said anything, I wonder what it's for.

"Thanks for the ride, and for the food" I say with a warm smile when I get to the front of my door, for some reason, Cesare has been a nice gentle man this whole night and although what happened with Solotov and in that club was not the best thing to be doing on a Tuesday night, I enjoyed the rest of the night, starting from the feeling I had in this dress that Cesare got for me, I'll still ask him how he got to know my exact size but that will be some other time, not tonight. The little conversations with Cesare and the time at the restaurant all gave me a sense of deja vu. Today, I saw a part of Cesare that I've never seen before and that part of him brought out a part of Tabitha that has been stashed away for a really long time, one that I am so ready to let resurface

"You're welcome" he replies, the smirk still not dropping off his face.

I bite my lip trying to keep a bigger smile from breaking out my lips, if my hair wasn't in this beautiful half up half down pony tail that Chloe had put it in, I would have resorted to tucking my hair behind my ear instead of biting my lip, but I guess that's part of the new Tabby

"Good night Cesare"

"Good night Piccola"

I open the door with my key and step in but when I'm about to close the door Cesare's buff body stops it as he pushes his way into my house

"What....did you..did you forget something?" I ask, looking at him in confusion.

His smirk grows wider "No, but you forgot you'll find out what happens when you're being bad"

I swallow hard.


Another update you guys 😁 Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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