

Tabitha wasn't prepared for what changes going to that club would bring to her life, she wasn't prepared for who she met that night or what she saw but now that she's been thrown into that world, she has no choice but to adjust because that's the only way to stay alive. Cesare, the big bad Mafia boss, ruthless and merciless, the name that makes even the cops shiver in fear. Cesare's dangerously sexy, cocky, arrogant and very used to having everything go his way. He finds nothing more interesting than taking a person's life, watching them beg for their lives right before he takes it. That's until they meet

Coookiie · Urban
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17 Chs

I Can Help

oh my God, I gasp in horror running down the remaining stairs to him careful not to slip on his blood.

he's sitting up against the wall with his shoulders slouched, his leather jacket is laying on the floor beside him and now he's just in a black tee shirt which he rolled up to his torso exposing a bleeding stab wound at the side of his stomach

''Oh God! What the hell happened?'' I ask, concern laced with my voice, I'm too panicked to wait for a reply ''we need to take you to a hospital!'' I add almost immediately.

I'm about to go back to the room to get my phone but his voice stops me

''You shouldn't be here Bardot, Leave'' he says harshly.

I look at him in disbelief, is he being serious right now? There's no way I'm just leaving him like this. I get why he might not want to go to a hospital but he really needs to get some sort of treatment for that soon

''okay! okay! no hospitals, but we need to stop that bleeding first'' I say as I'm already searching for something, a piece of cloth to stop the bleeding with, I sight a towel on the kitchen Island and go for it, I take a sniff of it to be sure it's clean before I return back to his side.

I neatly fold the towel into two so that it's thicker and I place it over the wound but before I get to applying pressure he stops me yet again ''quit playing the hero and fucking leave Bardot'' this time his voice comes out stronger than before showing just how serious he is.

I glare at him ''fine! keep being an asshole if you want to, not like I care'' I say angrily throwing the towel to the floor and stomping upstairs to get my things so I can leave, I'm sure I can get an uber at this time. In less than a minute I have my things together and I'm walking the long elegant hallway back down, when I get to the stairs I see that he has the towel pressed against the wound, he's not applying enough pressure on it though so it's not really working. I'm tempted to stop and help him, I'm not a professional doctor but mom is and I learnt a lot of things from her from the years I helped her take care of her patients and I know I can help him too but there's no reason for me to help him, he's a monster, a sexy one, shut up. My brain whispers but I quickly shut it up, he kills people for fun, is arrogant and most of all ''doesn't need me to play the hero'' just like he said so I walk over him to the front door and throw it open stepping out into the cold early morning breeze.

I hear him groan as he tries to stand to his feet but fails wolfly and falls back down on his butt, ouch! that must have hurt but even though he has a stab injury and just fell hard on his ass, his face doesn't hold any expression whatsoever, he doesn't look like he's in pain. Once again I find myself wandering who exactly this man is. I'm going to regret this later but right now I'm not going to worry about it, I push the door open again and walk back inside, I'm not going to let him bleed out because of his pride when I can do something to help, even if he doesn't admit to it, he needs help right now and I don't see anybody here except me, he can't even stand on his own so I know he can't do shit alone. I don't care about him, I'm only doing this because I'm a human who can help another human at least I try to convince myself.

He doesn't look up but he still knows that I'm there ''You really like to disobey me don't you?'' He asks weakly as his breaths comes out heavy.

''yet you keep trying to boss me around, you like that I disobey you, don't you?'' I ask back as I approach him ''I'm going to have to take a look at that and you have to take your hand off'' I add when he doesn't say anything, surprisingly he doesn't argue this time, he just takes his hand off. My brows furrow in worry at the nasty wound, I crouch down to take a closer look at it

I toss my bag to the side ''we have to take you to that couch there'' I point to the big sofa laying in the middle of the sitting room and his eyes follow my hands. It'll be easier to get him to the sofa than it'll be to get him upstairs, we need to stop the bleeding fast. ''do you think you can do that?'' I ask him concerned.

''What do you take me for Tabitha? I'm not a weakling'' he said a bit offended and I resist the urge to laugh in such serious a time but a smile still forms on my face, I clear my throat and force the smile away when I realize what I was about to do.

''Of course not Cesare'' I say in fake sweetness and he scoffs, this is the first time I'm saying his name out loud and it feels foreign on my tongue but oddly right, like it's been there all along. I stretch my hand down to him and he takes it in his much larger one, I try to ignore the sparks that fly when our skin comes in contact again and instead concentrate on standing firmly so I can support him to stand

''In 3..2..1'' I countdown and when I got to 1 we both try to pull him up but I didn't expect him to be this heavy so as soon as I try to pull him up he falls back down pulling me with him but I'm able to keep myself from falling by placing my hand on the wall to keep me steady. My attention returns back to Cesare who groans lightly on the floor

''again, 3..2..1'' I say immediately not wanting to waste anymore time seeing how much blood he already lost. We try it again, this time I gain a stronger stance before we pull him and luckily it worked! My right hand immediately goes around his waist and I put his left across my shoulder to support his bulky figure. With how much weight is resting on me, I find it hard to walk straight so getting to the couch is a bit harder than I thought but once we did I let go of him and he falls to the couch, my chest heaves up and down as I pant.

I lift his two legs and drop them on the couch so that he's laying on his back, what? is this man made of metal or something? his legs are so damn heavy ''okay, now let's stop the bleeding'' I say after successfully taking his legs up to the couch, I take the towel from his hand and continued what he was initially doing. I apply as much pressure as my tiny hands could let me until the bleeding stops.

''great, I'm just going to get something to clean it up with and please.. tell me you have a first aid box here'' I stress the please so that he knows just how important it is.

''top counter, 3rd kitchen cabinet by your...'' I don't wait for him to finish before hurrying off again to the kitchen to get it, at least I heard top counter in the 3rd kitchen cabinet, I can find it with that. Finding it wasn't hard just like I had suspected. I bring it down and drop on the island so I can get a bowl of clean water too, I balance the both of them in my hand and walk back to the couch where he is laying, when I get there, I slowly drop the bowl first so the water doesn't spill before dropping the first aid box next to it. I sit beside him on the semi big couch, at least it's big enough for the both of us.

Now that I have everything I need, I dip the towel in the bowl of clean water and squeeze it out then I use it to wipe clean the surroundings of the wound so I can see it clearly, I try to be as gentle but as fast as I can so it doesn't hurt and I pay attention to his face too for any sign that he's in pain or any expression at all but his face is as blank as it can get. When I have wiped the whole surrounding clean, the once sparkling colorless water is now tainted red.

I drop the bowl to the floor and pick the first aid box dropping it on my thighs, my hand rummage through it as I bring out the things I'll be needing from it, thankfully everything a first aid box needs is in here. His eyes has been fixed on me since I walked out the kitchen with the first aid box and water, he's been looking at me and its even worse because he hasn't said a word since but he doesn't stop staring either, even when I look at his face for any signs of pain, we make eye contact and he doesn't get embarrassed for getting caught, his cold blank eye keeps following my every movement, I try to not let it affect me but his unmoving gaze is making me super squirmish and uncomfortable. My unsteady hands find the antibiotics which is the last thing I needed from the box.

As gently and as calmly as I can, I apply the antibiotic on his wound and the surroundings too, the knife didn't go so deep which is a very good thing, the next thing I do is to cover it up with the gauze pads so it doesn't get infected. I look at him and his eyes holds mine in a stare, I want to look away but his eyes keeps drawing me in, into the deep emptiness that I keep meeting each time I look in his eyes, it's like he's purposely pushing everything away, putting a barrier so that no one knows what he feels. There are a few scratches and cuts on his face giving him a different look from what I've always known, his eyes are dark and hooded and he looks so dangerously sexy. Oh God. I lick my dry lips getting some moisture on them. I'm not able to hold his gaze for long so I look away after a few seconds clearing my throat to clear the awkwardness.

''told you to take a shower, you look like shit'' his husky cracked voice breaks the silence as he finally says something, I didn't expect what he said though, I mentally face palm at that, I didn't remember that I wasn't able to freshen up before falling asleep and I woke up to this so I didn't have the time to do that before seeing him again and apparently my hair is still like a birds nest and my eyes are probably swollen and has bags under them and dark circles too.

What a douche bag, nigga I just saved your life ''Thank you, you look like shit too, a bloody shit'' I say standing up from the couch. Even though I act like I'm unbothered by this I feel really embarrassed and don't want him to see it on my face so I hide my face with my hair as I put everything back into the first aid box but I still feel his eyes on me, I ignore it though.

From the corner of my eye I see his legs swing down from the couch and he stands up, I stand up right too facing him, the smirk on his face tells me that this isn't going to be a good one..


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