
Act 3: two strangers

The scintillating ball of fire rose high up into the heavens. Devoured the remaining traces of shadow left from the night before 🌃. Thousands of sunbeam pierced through the thick layer of evergreen, bringing life to the forest yet again. Our feathered friends started their tiny Orchestra performance as to beginning to greet the beautiful morning.

The elegant young lady rose slowly from the bed. Her beauty contrasted the poorly-made bed, it let out a huge squeak as if though it thought that itself was not worthy of her. The girl, she had charming features;a pair of bewitching crimson eyes, but they reflected the determination and her unyielding will in her, giving her that she is an independent and strong lady vibe. Her golden hair were messy but it still possessed that golden radiance when the light shone on it. Her splendour was deserving the "World Class Beauty" title. The young girl's beauty could rivaled Aphrodite, the God Of Beauty. She could give Aphrodite a run for her money.

The semi-conscious girl didn't recognise her surroundings as she observed her area.

"Where am I...? " The girl pondered greatly as she thought to herself and tried to recover from her nauseous state.

Suddenly, the young girl noticed there was a motionless man lying on the floor, he was right in front of her bed. His hands and shirt were dyed in red.

" AHHHHHH!" She let out a deafening shriek, her previous dignified attitude vanished without a trace. She couldn't make sense of why she woke up in a stranger's house and a dead man was lying right in front of her.

"Wait.... What!!!! " The 'dead corpse' seemed to have awoken by the little girl's 'beautiful voice', " Relax, I saw you lying in the forest yesterday and so I saved you."

"WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON YOU!" The shocked girl asked.

"Oh. The stains are all herbs from yesterday, I made medicine for you. Smell it, it doesn't smell like blood at all." Ying replied in monotone.

The young girl seemed to retained some of her composure back, but her head was still in deep turmoil.

" Anyway. I applied some healing med on your wounds, the wounds should be able to completely heal in a few days. I have done my job, what you decide to do next are none of my business, please leave. " Ying said lifelessly.

" What?" The girl shouted furiously with somewhat disbelief in her eyes. " How could you said that! After you saved me you should take responsibility of me and at least wait till I fully recovered. You don't have to be so rude!! Don't you have any question on why am I wearing handcuffs at all?"

"I am not interested in any of your affair. I saved you because of the words someone closed to me once said. "Ying replied in monotone and his face was void of any emotion which made the girl even more furious, she couldn't believe that a day that she is treated like dirt would actually come and it is this inferior peasant.

" Oh my god! Do you know who I am? I am Alice Alexander Alchemist. I can grant you immense pool of wealth and you won't have to worry about starving for the rest of your life. I promi-.. "

Just about Alice could continue, Ying cut her off and said apathetically." They say that the nobels are not just ugly on the outside, but inside as well. I guess it is true after all. " After listened to what ying had said. She was fuming with rage. Her eyes no longer had that superior and belittle look, instead replaced with hostility and fury.