

Marinette and I get started on our assignment by reading a couple chapters, and it turns out that she'd decided to read some like I had, so we were already far enough into it to start the essay.

We both do some writing, compare notes, and put a little together.

Before long, my stomach growls, so I get up and ask if she wants a snack, as I'm going to get one.

"Uh, y-yes please."

"Ok, what would you like?"

"D-do you have any Petit Beurre?"

"You're in luck, I actually got some of those the other day."

I go downstairs and find them, along with a can of Pringles.

"You two must be hungry." Felix says from his spot at the table.

"Uh yeah? Why?"

"No reason."

I roll my eyes and go back upstairs, and hand Marinette the food.

We eat as we work, and the time seems to go by much quicker.

Soon enough it's time for her to go, and we figure out what part each of us can do on our own, and what needs to be done together.

"W-we can go to m-my house tomorrow, if you want." She suggests, and I quickly agree, I can already taste the delicious croissants her parents make.

When she leaves, I go back upstairs and give Plagg some cheese, since he was complaining that I ate without him.

"It'd be weird if I just threw some cheese at my bag, wouldn't it?" I argue.

"No! She'd just think you were saving it for later!"

"Whatever Plagg. You have some now, and that's good enough, right?"

"Of course not! One can never have too much cheese!"

I laugh, and do a little more on my other homework.

But I soon get bored, and start glancing around my desk.

My gaze falls on the letter, and I almost want to throw it away.

Before I can, I notice that my father actually wrote on the envelope, saying

I sigh, knowing that what I'm about to do will probably be painful, but transform anyway.

You were just sitting on your bed, doing schoolwork when a knock at the balcony startles you.

It's not the usual time for Cat, but now that everyone knows, he doesn't always have a normal time.

You get up and open the door, smiling when you see Cat on the other side.

"Hi Kitty!"

"Hey Angel! How are you on this fine evening?" He says playfully.

You giggle and say, "Doing well, thank you sir."

"Indeed, my fair lady." He says in a sweeping bow.

You both laugh and embrace.

"So you're here pretty early. Any special reason?" You ask.

"Well, I wanted to see you, and I also need your help with something."

"What's up?"

"Do you think we could go somewhere private?" He asks, nodding toward your open door, where your sibling is peering in, before quickly jumping out of sight.

"Uh sure, where do you have in mind?"

"Honestly, I don't care. As long as we're alone."

"Is the balcony okay?"

"That's fine."

You both walk out there, then shut the door.

"So what's bothering you?" You ask.

"This." He says and pulls what looks to be a letter from his pocket.

You sit down side by side on the lounge chair and he holds the envelope where you can both see it.

After looking it over you realize why he's so upset about it.

"Oh, Adrien. Are you sure you want to read it?"

"No. But I have to."

"No you don't!" You protest.

"I do. I don't think I'll be writing back anytime soon, but I want to know what he has to say for himself. He doesn't know that I was there when he was taken into custody, so he probably assumes I was told by staff, or the heros, or maybe even the news. I just wonder how he decided to tell me."

"I guess I can't argue with that. If this is what you want, then go ahead. And remember, I'm right here." You put a hand on his shoulder, and he gives you a faint smile before tearing into the envelope with his claws.

He shakily pulls out the paper inside, and unfolds it.

You glance at his face, and start to read with him.

"Wow. Even his last statement was about getting the miraculouses." Adrien scoffs.

"Yes, but he did seem sincere in the rest." You try to make him feel better.

"Please, don't stick up for him."

"Oh I'm not. I was just trying to help you, not the guy kidnapped me, why would I try to help him?"

He chuckles a little, and wraps his arms around you.

You do the same, and just stay there a moment.

"Thanks for being here with me." He whispers.

"Of course!" You reassure him, and he pulls away enough to look at your face.

He gives a small smile, which you return, and lean in to kiss his cheek.

"You missed." He says slyly, making you laugh.

"You gotta work on your aim, see, like this." He says, and leans toward your lips.

When he pulls away, you say, "I may need some more practice, but how's this?" before kissing him again, purposefully going to the side a bit.

"Hmm, not bad, but could use a little work."

"Well by all means, we better get started."

"Yes indeed!"

Leaning in together, you kiss him, and feel him smile against your lips.

"Purrfect!" He says once you pull away for air.

"Only because I have such a clawsome teacher!"

He laughs, and hugs you, whispering "Thanks," in your ear, and you immediately understand, for that was the main purpose, to get his mind off his father.