
Book Club

The day after you took the oath, you return to the Guardian's house with your family, because they have to do the same thing.

Ladybug skips this meeting, but Cat Noir is there, having to show the way, plus just for moral support and such.

"Why do we have to do this? Nobody is going to say anything!" Your father complains as Master Fu is preparing the concoction.

"Dad! We're doing it to protect Adrien!" You say, annoyed that they can't just do it out of trust in you.

"Why does he need it? He's a superhero!"

"It's just better this way." Master says, coming in with three cups of the strange mixture.

"So what is this stuff?" Your mother asks, taking one of the glasses.

"A special blend of herbs, spices, and some other things." Master responds, twinkle in his eye.

"Is it good?" S/n asks.

"Well, it's not " You say, just wanting to get it all over with.

"Who wishes to go first?" Master Fu questions, looking at the three holding the cups.

"I'll do it. What is it I say?" Your father asks, glancing down at the swirling liquid.

"Here is the oath." Master says, giving him the paper.

You watch your father gulp the drink in one go, then say the entire oath.

Your mother decides to go next, and does the same.

S/n is a bit more hesitant, but eventually gets everything sorted out.

"Ok, now to make sure it worked. All of you, tell me who is really Cat Noir."

"Adr-" They all start, but are of course cut off thanks to the bubbles.

"Cool! Now I can have bubbles anytime I want!" S/n says enthusiastically.

"Uh, yeah. I guess that's true." Your mother confirms to s/n.

"So is there anything else we have to do?" Your father asks.

"No, you may leave if you like." Master replies.

"Ok. Well, bye." He says, trying to round up s/n, who is now spewing as many bubbles as possible.

"Goodbye Master Fu!" You say on the way out, following your family.

Cat stays behind a minute, but then follows you outside.

"Can you get home or do you need me to show you out?" He asks.

"I think we can manage." Your father says.

"Ok then. I guess I'll see you later?" Cat asks, turning to you.

"Yeah. See ya later." You respond, giving him a quick hug.

He returns it, then jumps up to a roof and leaps away.

"I can't believe I'm going to be spitting out bubbles any time I try to say that boy's name! What if I need to have a talking to with him?" Your father says while trying to navigate the alleyways.

"It doesn't work like that, dad. It's only when you try to say something about his secret identity!" You inform him, rolling your eyes.

"Oh. Ok."

You nod to a street, and mention that you're sure that's the way home.

He starts to brush you off, until seeing your car parked in a lot.

After finally reaching home, you go to your room for a bit, then start to get together a few things.

On your way out, your mother asks where you're going.

"To a bookclub. Is that alright with you?"

"It's fine. Just be back before curfew."

"I will." You respond and head out the door, book in hand.

You make your way to the meeting place, and see Jean and a few others hanging around outside.

"Hey y/n! You came!" Jean says once you get close enough to hear him.

"Yep. Thought I'd check it out. I brought a book, I don't know if I was supposed to, but I usually carry one everywhere anyway!" You say, holding up one of your favorite books.

"Great! You can suggest we read it next!" Jean says, ushering everyone inside.

Once you get inside, Jean goes to sit down, and pats the chair beside him.

You sit with him, since he's the only one you somewhat know there.

The meeting goes as you would expect, just discussing any books that would be good to read together.

But the whole time the meeting goes on, you notice Jean keeps looking at you with a weird smile.

And about halfway through the meeting, he tries to put his arm around your shoulders, doing the cliche fake yawn.

You lean forward so his arm falls away, and continue listening to the people speaking about different books.

Even giving out a suggestion for the next read, you enjoy the meeting, aside from the weird behavior Jean is exhibiting.

Hoping he doesn't turn out to be a creep like some guys, you decide to confront him about it.

So after the meeting, you ask if you can talk to him.

"Sure, I wanna talk to you anyway." He says, and nods to his buddies, who give him some strange looks that you assume he understands, and then the two of you walk underneath a tree where there's enough light from a street lamp to see each other clearly.

"So what was all that in there? With you giving me the weird looks, and putting your arm on my shoulders?"

"It's called smiling in encouragement, since you're new."

"Uh-huh. And the arm?"

"I was just stretching."

"Well I didn't like it so if you could not do it again that'd be appreciated."

"What's the problem with it? I wasn't doing anything!"

"Why can't you just respect my wishes without an explanation?" You demand, but realize he's not even paying attention, but looking above you.

"Heh, you see that?" He asks, nodding to a tree branch.

"See what?" You ask, looking up.

"That!" He says, pointing at a clump of mistletoe.

"Ugh, that stuff is everywhere this time of year!"

"Yeah, so? You know the rules, right?" Jean asks suggestively.

"That you're supposed to kiss whoever is under it with you? Of course I know it. Always thought it was kinda weird."

"Weird or not, it a rule! So pucker up!" He says, starting to lean in.

"Whoa! I am gonna kiss you!" You protest, stepping a good distance away from him.

"Why not?"

He gives a wink, then says, "I don't bite."

Before you can respond, the space between you and Jean is suddenly filled.

" ." Says a low voice coming from the person who just filled the gap.

That person, of course, being Cat Noir, ears laid flat to his head.

"This is a civilian matter, it doesn't concern you!" Jean says, clearly angered.

"Oh I think it does. Considering this lovely lady here is girlfriend." Cat responds, and you can tell his Protective Boyfriend Mode has went into overdrive.

"Then why hasn't she mentioned that?"

"Because then I get bombarded with questions!" You input.

"Either way, it doesn't matter. She told you to stop, so go on. Get outta here!" Cat growls.

"Whatever." Jean says, skulking off.

"Hey, Jean!" You call out.

He turns back to look at you, still standing behind Cat, who also gives you a questioning look.

"I won't be coming back!"

"Fine. Your loss." Jean responds, continuing away.

"I don't think it is!" You say to his retreating figure.

Cat starts to laugh as he turns to face you, but stops abruptly upon seeing your expression.

"So how did you happen to be around just in time? Not that I'm not thankful you showed up when you did, but still. Were you following me?"

"What?! No way! I was on my way to your house, but heard you talking, so I came over to wait until you were done, then saw that guy try to come onto you."

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey, I wouldn't follow you unless I thought you were in danger or something! Why would I?"

"I don't know!"

"Don't you remember our purromise? I know you wouldn't cheat on me or anything, so why would I follow you around?"

"I guess that's true."

"Of course it's true!"

You laugh, and hug him.

"I glad you showed up though. Thanks."

"You are most welcome!"

You giggle, and remember what started the whole interaction anyway, so you look up.

He does too, and sees what you're looking at.

Smiling he looks back at you.

"May I have a mistletoe kiss?" He asks.

"You may!" You respond, leaning up to meet his lips.