
Ceris: Blessed be Sol

Welcome to Ceris, a land of power and worship; A place where might is revered and weakness is not suffered. While luck has no hold in these lands, every action has its reward - regardless of morality. After years of toil, humanity now has its first king: creator of the first artifact, blessed by a dwarven lord, the first of his kind to have knelt in front of an altar. Ceris smiles upon him. Behold, humanity and its rising kingdom! The beacon heralding hope to those who would seek! But while humanity no longer stands alone, there are powers at wait, hungry for their own due. Plans that were in motion disturbed, grudges still cold and at bled, shattered dreams, shattered bodies, the loved ones bereft; No throne rises without leaving a trail of violence in its wake. Now, what would our little nomad have to do with any and all of this?

Shano_with_a_T · Fantasy
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Out of the closet

"I don't think this is a good idea; we should go back. Jarrem won't be pleased."

He's beginning to question me.

"Mayy'k is on his own too, what if something happens to him?"

Insubordination will not be tolerated!

"We won't chase too far. as I've told Mayy'k, we'll be back to rendezvous in an hour. It's enough that we get an idea of who we are dealing with: adventurers, merchants, bandits, or maybe nomads even."

"And if we don't find anyone, or anything?"

"Even better. We go back, say we find nothing, and that it's safe to go ahead."

"Alright, I'll hold you to your word this time."

"As you should. When have I let you down?"

Anyone would find all of this to be a little bit suspicious. I'd like to think that if it were Jarrem in my shoes, he would have done the same thing. But then again, he could also be unreasonable enough to beat me with a stick and call it a lesson.


= * =


"Sol, I think it's time to go back."

After a few minutes of trailing, we wound up cresting a small hill and finally took sight of what we have been following.

A party of undead.

Skeletons, to be precise, varying in their rag-like armour and rusted weapons. Worse of all is the dark rider atop what seems to be a heavily armoured undead horse. Its dark hooded satin failing to hide its terrible aura, wielding a cruel jagged sword in its right hand. It looked powerful, overwhelming. I cannot begin to imagine the tragedy that would befall us if we ever run into these undead.

Following the footprints was the right call.

This isn't the first time we've encountered undead or heard news regarding - they're not uncommon, after all, and could even be naturally occurring. There are specific conditions required to host and nurture undead depending on varying circumstances. Places such as old battlefield sites, abandoned cemeteries, or abandoned towns are more likely to have these naturally born undead as oppose to, say, a forest such as the one we are in.

I remember a travelling pseudo-priest once warned me about places of still water and spoil. Resentment, pain, suffering, betrayal, or any such symbolism exhibited by the dark devourer will tend to have his followers miring within them.

As the undead are clear followers of the devourer's dogma, it makes no sense for them to be born in a forest as vibrant and full of life as this - the very antithesis of their existence.

Do the Pillars no longer hold power over the Devourer and its kin? For them to be undeterred, traipsing in broad daylight out of their own element, I have never been a religious person, but Pillars help us.

I watched in terror as the group of undead continued marching ahead.

Looking towards Kaya, who is equally as terrified as I am, in as hushed voice as I can manage. 

"Let's keep ourselves low and be very quiet. We need to leave this place now; follow me."

We moved quietly and swiftly, hoping not to alert anyone of our presence - not even the forest itself, life willing.

As if our initial encounter lifted some sort of veil, on our way back, from our far visions, we spotted other groups of undead all likewise marching towards the same direction.

"Mercy above, it's not just one or two. There's a whole army of them."

"It doesn't matter how many there are as long as they are not aware of us. Its easy, really. We spot them before they spot us, then we'll be fine."

Not even I believe the ridiculousness of what I'm spouting. I meant it to be a lighthearted comment to calm Kaya down. But this time, I myself know that I say that more for me than it is for Kaya.

Keep focus.

We need to make it back; Jarrem always know what to do.


= * =


At the rendezvous point.

The two looked around and found Mayy'k hunched behind a tree, looking far into the distance, like a mouse petrified by the sight of a cat.

Seeming to understand what has gotten their friend frozen in his place, the two slowly crept up on Mayy'k. Careful not to make a sound or startle the fellow.

In a soft whisper... "Mayy'k.... Behind you..."

A visible shivering followed by a relaxed heave. Slowly he turned around, faced to find Sol and Kaya dripping in swear and sickly pale.

In a silent scream. "THERE ARE UNDEAD! IN A FOREST! WHAT!?" His eyes popping out of its socket.

"Really? We didn't know. Don't worry; we come with good news at least. The people we've been following? Well, they aren't people and are actually undead too."

"They are everywhere, Mayy'k, we need to leave this place now."

"... So for reasons unknown, there are a bunch of undead running around a forest of all places? And we have no idea where they are coming from? Why didn't we spot any on the way here at all?"

Kaya, with face full of grim nodded to agree at Mayy'k's question. In sync, they all looked away from the marching undead. Faces eager to depart and make their way back to the group.

It was then that the ground, where they previously inspected the trail, began to shake. A stemming, dark, and bloodied flesh erupted from the soil, it's very existence corrupting the air around it with miasma and decay.

The three stood aghast by what they just saw.

Moments later, the terror resumed as the mass started spasming, and from its root, a visible bulge started to make its way up to the tip of the cursed mass of flesh. Its ends opened up as sharps bones protruded out, spraying blood in the air, followed by a giant throbbing eye the size of a person's head.

As soon as it started to swivel its body, Sol, Kaya, and Mayy'k, took to the ground and hid behind a tree, their movements trained. A few breaths later, a shrill shriek resounded followed by the sounds of rock breaking, giving way, then of shuffling and metal clanging.

As the three individually pieced things together in their head, their thoughts were interrupted by heavy rhythmic thuds which could only come from the dark rider they've previously witnessed.

T1 Sadge. 5g ok wow. ANYWAYS!

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