
Cerberus unleashed: The hellhound’s revenge in the Percy Jackson world

Kyle_Stroeder · Others
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51 Chs

Chapter 49: Triumph and Tragedy

As dawn broke over the labyrinth, the tide of battle began to turn. Cerberus and his pack gained ground, driving their enemies back with relentless determination. But victory came at a cost—fallen comrades lay scattered across the battlefield, their lifeless forms a grim testament to the price of their defiance.

Cerberus stood amidst the wreckage, his hearts heavy with grief for those they had lost. He knelt beside fallen warriors, offering silent prayers and final respects. Each loss weighed heavily upon him, a reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of their cause.

"We mourn our fallen," Cerberus spoke solemnly, his voice a low rumble that carried across the battlefield. "But their sacrifice will not be in vain. We will honor their memory with every breath we take and every battle we fight."

His pack gathered around him, offering words of comfort and solidarity. Together, they tended to the wounded and began the arduous task of rebuilding their defenses. Cerberus felt a renewed sense of purpose, a determination to protect their realm and ensure that their enemies would not return.