
Violent assault


The sunlight through the thin clouds spattered dappledly on the marble floor of the villa.

But it couldn't dispel the chill inside.

Hannah Jones paced anxiously in the living room, and after several unsuccessful attempts to contact outside help, her gaze turned to Percy Spencer, who was silent at the side, and a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

She opened her lips lightly and ordered in a tone that brooked no question, "Go, get Lisbeth Dawson, I have something to ask her."

An oppressive atmosphere echoed in the empty space.

Not long after, Lisbeth Dawson was led into the parlour, her steps looking a little hesitant, her eyes showing uneasiness and confusion.

Percy Spencer's voice was as cold as ice: "Kneel down and apologise to Ruoxue."

Hearing this, Lisbeth Dawson's eyes instantly reddened, tears flashed, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito, "Percy, this matter really has nothing to do with me ..."

Her voice carried a few points of aggression, and tears slid silently down her face.


Hannah Jones did not intend to stop there, a cold smile hung on her face, her tone full of disdain: "Heh, you little wit, you still dare to be sophomoric!"

Before the words fell, she surged forward and grabbed Lisbeth Dawson's hair, moving so fast that the air seemed to freeze.

"Look at this girl, she really doesn't know what she's doing, just kick her out!"

She ordered at the bodyguards standing aside.

One of the bouncers stepped forward expressionlessly, kicked Lisbeth Dawson in the back of the knee, and coldly spat out two words, "Get out!"

This sudden violence made Lisbeth Dawson freeze in place for a moment, then a flash of panic and despair flashed in her eyes, she could no longer control her emotions, covered her face, and ran out of the door with a cry.

Witnessing this, a flicker of mixed emotions swept across Percy Spencer's face before she eventually turned and silently walked up the stairs.

"Lisbeth Dawson, with you, you want to fight me?"

Her words were full of provocation and disdain.

And at this moment, Percy Spencer had already stepped into the study alone and opened that mysterious email address again.

Inside the mailbox, an anonymous email waited alone to be opened, like a silent snitch.

With trembling fingers he clicked on the email, and with it came the chilling recording.

In the recording, the girl's laugh was shrill and piercing, "Oh, little sister, look at my sister's dirty shoes, come on, lick them clean for me!"

Immediately after that, there was a trembling pleading sound, it was Anne Spencer's near-collapse cry: "No, please, please, let me go, I really don't have any money ..."

And the other party replied with only more brutal persecution, "Let you lick your shoes, can't understand human language, can you?"

This recording is like a sharp knife, cutting the last trace of warmth in the air, leaving endless darkness and coldness.

The man coldly raised the whip in his hand, and each lash landed with unerring precision on Anne Spencer's tender body, accompanied by the sound of the whip was Anne Spencer's suppressed cries of pain.

Her cheeks quickly burst into tears, but she could only hold back her humiliation and slowly licked the dusty shoes with a trembling hand as the other party requested.

Looking at the shoe's surface that gradually regained its lustre, the corner of the girl's mouth hooked up into a smile of satisfaction, a smile that carried a few hints of cruel pleasure:

"Ah! Look at me, I accidentally got you covered in blood! Don't be anxious, the kind sister will help you wash it off."

Between her words, she signalled her subordinate, who then brought a basin of bone-piercing salt water, and without hesitation, threw it violently towards Anne Spencer, who was cowering on the ground.

The moment the salt water touched her skin, Anne Spencer's whole body shook with pain, and her heartbreaking screams pierced the still air:


The girl heard this painful scream, and instead of showing half a bit of pity, she let out a loud laugh, which was sharp and piercing, like the cold wind in winter, cold and merciless.

"Hahahaha ..."

As the laughter faded away, the video screen also came to an abrupt end, leaving only a room of silence and Percy Spencer's face in front of the screen.The girl in the video screen, that cold eyes, cruel smile, actually and Lisbeth Dawson has eight points of similarity, so that his heart can not help but rise a chill.

That's right, this video screen was anonymously sent to him by Hannah Jones before Lisbeth Dawson's arrival.

Its purpose is self-evident, to completely cut off the last vestige of mercy that Percy Spencer may have for Lisbeth Dawson, and to make the emotional entanglement between the two even more complicated and difficult to understand.

At this moment, Lisbeth Dawson is walking alone in the street with the lights dimmed.

Her back looks unusually lonely.

In this busy city, she could not find a harbour to rely on.

When she thought of going home, her parents, who always tormented her with their strange behaviour, were like two insurmountable mountains, making her feel afraid.

Should she go back to face the endless chastisement and mental torture?

Or should she choose to stay in a hotel for a while?

She smiled bitterly, reached into her pocket, touched out a crumpled, the edges have been slightly yellowed hundred dollar note.

Looking at this note, which seemed to speak of her poor life, she shook her head, her heart full of helplessness and self-deprecation.

Thus, she continued to wander aimlessly, like a lost bird of prey.

Just at that moment, five stout men silently surrounded her, their faces wore impish smiles, and their eyes glittered with greed and savagery.

At the end of this silent alley, the aura of danger spread quietly ...