
Still love her

Terri Schiavo had arrived in a hurry in a deep night.

The hands on his watch pointed, impartially, to ten minutes after the appointed hour.

As he pushed open the ponderous door of the box, the sight before him instantly fixed him in place, like a hammer blow to the heart.

On the ground, strewn with all kinds of bottles, some lying horizontally, some reclining, like a battlefield after a carnival, a rough count, there are no less than twenty bottles.

All of these were high concentration spirits unique to Feng Xuan City.

Percy Spencer, the usually spirited man, was curled up alone in a corner of the sofa, his eyes empty and a bitter smile hanging on his face.

His hand still tightly holding half of the bottle of spirits has not yet been drunk, from time to time tilted his head, the hot as fire liquid into the throat, as if attempting to use alcohol to paralyze all the pain and thoughts.

What permeated the box was an air of decadence and despair, suffocating people.

"Hey, Brother Percy, stop drinking!"

There was a hint of panic in Terri Schiavo's voice as a sense of strangeness welled up in him.

He had intended to come looking for comfort, but now it was like he was the one giving warmth.

Percy Spencer acted as if he hadn't heard him, and continued to immerse himself in his own world, in the company of those pungent liquids.

After a long time, Percy Spencer suddenly let out a hoarse laugh and whispered, "I killed her ... haha, I finally killed that shadow that was bothering me!"

Before the words fell, the air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Terri Schiavo sniffed and her heart shook violently, "Wh, what? She, she means ...? Shouldn't you be feeling relieved then? Why is it this self exiled look?"

It was difficult for him to comprehend what kind of struggle and torture the brother in front of him had gone through.

Percy Spencer clasped his head in his hands, tears slipping silently from the corners of his tightly closed eyes:

"I... I saw her suffer, and my heart hurt like a million pins.

But, I'm sorry for her, for our past.

This damned heart of mine, why should I still be able to produce such sympathy and dismay when I see others hurting ..."

The words were full of helplessness and self-loathing.

Terri Schiavo was deeply shocked by what she saw, remembering Percy Spencer as stoic and unyielding, hardly ever showing such a vulnerable side.

It was the alcohol.

Or was it the shadow of Anne Spencer.

Or was it the woman named Lisbeth Dawson.

Has it made the man so overwhelmed?

In such a heavy atmosphere, Terri Schiavo couldn't help but pick up a bottle of wine at the table.

Although he could not hold his liquor as well as Percy Spencer, he gulped it down, trying to share his brother's pain in this way.

Within a few moments, the power of the alcohol began to take effect, his face flushed red, and his words began to blur a little, "Brother Percy, why do you think she can't see me when I'm such a good person? What did I do wrong to be treated like this ..."

"Fay Smith ... She doesn't belong to our world, the older generation in the family will not accept an outsider to taint their so called noble bloodline. You and her, are destined to have no future."

With those words, the entire box once again fell into silence.

A trance flashed in Terri Schiavo's eyes, like the first light of morning after the fog has lifted, and the mystery in his mind suddenly unraveled.

He thought of Fay, the girl who always had a gentle smile and an endless love for children, and pondered in his heart, "Yes, since Fay knows that I am a member of the family, her heart that loves family and children ..."

At this point, he couldn't help but turn to Percy Spencer and ask with a few moments of help:

"Brother Percy, then what should I do now?"

Percy Spencer's eyes flashed with a touch of complexity as he sniffed.

He sighed softly, his slender fingers unconsciously wiping across the corners of his eyes, as if he wanted to wipe away those sorrows and the past.

"Back then, your mother ... was actually accidentally injured by his father."

These words, heavy as a mountain, landed in Terri Schiavo s heart, stirring up layers of ripples.Terri Schiavo's body jolted as if struck by lightning, shaking her head in disbelief, her hands clasped tightly around her skull, her murmurs filled with despair and struggle:"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible ..."His voice gradually lowered, as if even he was unwilling to believe this cruel fact.Spencer on the side today saw this and let out another soft sigh.He knew that for Terri Schiavo, these truths were like peeling open unhealed wounds, cruel and painful.But he also understood that some things had to be faced eventually.So he gently patted Terri Schiavo on the shoulder and said in a tone that was as gentle but firm as possible:"Don't feel too bad, time will slowly heal everything. I'm going to take a step away first, so you can calm down."Downstairs, the night was dark.Percy Spencer gazed at the dimly lit box on the fifth floor with mixed feelings.He had long since secretly informed the Schiavo family, and only hoped that everything would be resolved smoothly and without regret.Afterwards, he resolutely turned around, started the vehicle, and drove deeper into the night.And that road, without deviation, pointed to Diamond Villa...When Percy Spencer stepped through the door of Diamond Villa, the hour hand was already pointing to midnight, and the entire penthouse was immersed in a peaceful dreamland.The moonlight through the window pane casts dappled shadows, adding a bit of cool poetry to this quiet space.Even Hannah Jones, who usually likes to attract Percy Spencer's attention in various ways.Even Hannah Jones, who usually likes to attract Percy Spencer's attention in various ways, can't resist the tiredness that comes at this moment.Wearing the carefully selected lingerie, curled up on the bed, fell into a dream.The picture was so soft and peaceful in the moonlight.Percy Spencer stepped hesitantly up the steps to the second floor.Each step seemed to echo heavily on his heartstrings.His eyes pierced the faint light and locked onto the only open portal.The dim yellow light that leaked from within was like a touch of tenderness from a distant memory, quietly eroding his heart that had been weakened by alcohol.At this moment, his defenses easily disintegrated.The inexplicable sentiment in the bottom of his heart was amplified by the endless night color, making him feel lonely and despondent like never before.Reminded him of Helen Jones.Used to."Why do you leave the light on when you're asleep? Won't it be hard?"There was tenderness and concern in Percy Spencer's voice, as if he were whispering to a familiar figure from his past."It wasn't a habit until after I had you."Inside his head, Helen Jones's voice was as warm as it had been before, the words pounding into his heart.Every syllable was filled with the warmth and sweetness the two had shared.The corners of Percy Spencer's mouth involuntarily rose in a laugh with a hint of self-deprecation and wistfulness, "I'm so amazing that I can make a habit out of you?"It was a laugh that echoed softly in the empty hallway.It was like searching for an answer, or saying goodbye to a past."Of course, no matter how late you come back, I'll always be waiting for you, I can't do anything amazing for you, but I can always keep a light on for you, and tell you that I'm here, and I'll always be the place for you to come back to."Helen Jones' words were as warm and firm as a spring breeze.Even in the memories of this night, they were enough to cause a warm current to well up in his heart.However.This warmth was quickly replaced by a piercing reality, and his heart ached as if it had been cut by a blunt knife.The pain of that loss could not be completely soothed even by time.Without hesitation, Percy Spencer's feet naturally stepped towards the doorway.Inside, however, she was filled with inexplicable apprehension.Inside the room.A petite figure was curled up amidst the thick bedding.Long black hair like ink spilled onto the pure white sheets, forming a stark contrast, the picture was serene and slightly bleak.Although he could only see the back, Percy Spencer was sure that it was the Helen Jones he had been thinking about day and night, even if it was just a silhouette, it was enough to touch his deepest softness.This familiar feeling made him unable to distinguish between reality and dream for a moment.

Suddenly, a hot breath came from behind, startling the person in the bed to turn around sharply, his vigilant gaze shooting like a sharp arrow, "Who is it?"Upon realizing that the visitor was Percy Spencer, Lisbeth Dawson's expression instantly loosened up, and joy shone in his eyes, "Percy, it's you who's back!"

The moment she saw Lisbeth Dawson, Percy Spencer's movements froze for a moment.

Then a bitter smile appeared on her face.

It must have been the alcohol.

Why, he thought to himself, would he have mistaken her for the long-dead Helen Jones in such a situation?

Just as he was lost in his confused thoughts, a soft touch interrupted everything, a light kiss from Lisbeth Dawson, unexpected and tender.

Percy Spencer was stunned for a moment, and then his mind was enlightened--

Since it was only a dream, why not let himself be immersed in it, even if it was only a brief escape, wasn't it?

So, he closed his eyes and let this illusory warmth surround him, sinking to the edge of dream and reality.