
A Shocking Secret

In that gloomy, almost water-screwing basement.

A beam of dark red light faintly penetrated from the ancient formation, like an evil eye suddenly opened by a demon sleeping in the abyss, emitting a chilling faint red light.

In the center of this treacherous atmosphere.

A woman was sitting in the center.

Her existence was like the only living thing in this dark space, adding a bit of unnamable demonic and poignant beauty to the surroundings.

"Haha, I won't let you live even if I die!"

Catherine Lloyd's voice echoed in every corner of the basement.

It carried a kind of madness that was close to collapse.

Her eyes, like deep sapphires, were clear and bright.

Contrasted with her twisted to the core smile, it was hard to believe that the two could exist on the same face.

"Lisbeth Dawson, even if I fall into the Yellow Springs, I will surely drag you with me to death!"


At the same time.

Inside the opulent and brilliantly lit hall.

A well-tailored suit wrapped around Danny Lloyd's upright body.

He was sitting peacefully on the sofa, his surface seemed calm and unperturbed, but in reality, his heart had already been in turmoil.


Suddenly, a cold and piercing wind passed through the room without warning, causing the temperature inside the room to plummet.

Danny Lloyd gently put down the crystal water glass in his hand, and the water in that glass actually caused slight ripples due to the sudden attack of the wind.

He frowned tightly, got up and quickly walked towards the hall in front of a finely carved idol, reached out and lightly touched the smooth stone surface, his eyes carefully checking every detail.

After confirming that there was no mistake, he whispered to himself:

"This sudden gloomy wind seems to signal something is about to come. If it is not a manifestation of the gods that guard us, then what could be the truth behind this?"

The uneasiness in Danny Lloyd's heart grew like weeds.

The cold wind, as if it had a will of its own, continued to rage toward the basement, as if it were guiding him.

Sensing this unusual sign, Danny Lloyd did not dare to be slow, and hurriedly followed the direction of the airflow, and quickly rushed to the basement.

Pushing open the heavy doorway of the basement, a depressing musty and wet scent hit his face, and Danny Lloyd's eyes were immediately attracted by the shocking bloodstains on the floor.

With unbelievable coldness in his voice, he sternly questioned:

"Catherine Lloyd! What on earth have you done here!"

Catherine Lloyd sneered in the face of her brother's questioning, her tone full of sarcasm and defiance:

"What am I doing? Do you still have the face to ask me? All this time, you guys have only had him in your hearts and never really looked at me! Since I can't get what I want from you guys, I'll have to take it from myself!"

Her words were filled with years of pent up resentment and despair.

It made the entire air in the basement freeze.

Danny Lloyd's heart was stifled, and his throat was like being strangled by an invisible hand, unable to say half a word.

Since childhood, Catherine Lloyd that radical character, in the family really did not have a few elders willing to be close, let alone favorite.

Faced with such a situation.

Danny Lloyd had no choice but to divulge a hint of hidden and dangerous information:

"Do you know Percy Spencer's true identity? He is not a mortal, but the former Prince of the Ghost World.

Your actions today are undoubtedly touching a former Ghost Realm Supreme.

Imagine a hundred years from now, when his dusty destiny is over and he returns to the Ghost Realm, will our Lloyd family still have a moment of peace?"

Catherine Lloyd heard this, her face suddenly changed, shocked and incredulous: "How can this be possible?Brother Spencer grew up with us, his smile, his warmth, is clearly a living human being! You are not trying to help Lisbeth Lloyd, so you made up such a lie to scare me!

I'll tell you, I'll never back down from this!

Besides, I'm quite accomplished in my divination skills, so if it's true as you said, how is it possible that I didn't notice anything?"

The corner of Danny Lloyd's mouth hooked up a cold smile, and his voice carried an unquestionable determination:

"Don't think that you are omnipotent just because you have a red cold-blooded bloodline and are born with an extraordinary sensitivity to divination.

This secret was obtained by the previous generation of our family who spent all their efforts in peering into the heavens.

And that elder generation, shortly after calculating this fortune, was punished by the heavens and fell into oblivion.

This price, can you afford it?"

Catherine Lloyd froze in place for a moment, her eyes flickering uncertainly:

"If I am not worthy to know such secrets, what of Lisbeth Lloyd? What makes that inconsistent woman any different? Who is she to judge others when she's just as human?"

Danny Lloyd, being the notorious protector of his sister.

Hearing someone dare to denigrate Lisbeth Lloyd in such a way, his tone instantly became harsh:

"This is ridiculous to the extreme! Percy Spencer's choice is his own destiny, and naturally, it won't attract his retaliation. But if you are bent on having your own way and have to interfere, then don't blame the family for being merciless and won't defend you in the slightest!"

An unbelievable light flashed in Catherine Lloyd's eyes, and her voice trembled as she repeated, "I don't believe it, I really can't believe that all this is actually true!"

It was like a million emotions were churning in her eyes.

Desperation mixed with anger, but with a touch of sadness.

A look of impatience coalesced between Danny Lloyd's brows.

There was an undeniable determination in his tone:

"Whether you are willing to accept it or not, the fact is set and cannot be changed! Come on, carry out my order and cut off the root of their actions, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for the Lloyd family in the future!"

Between the words, the sound of steady footsteps quickly sounded outside the door, and two well-trained servants entered in response.

Their faces were expressionless and their movements were clean and sharp, ignoring Catherine Lloyd's nearly uncontrollable struggles and skillfully completing their task.

In this house, the head of the family's authority was unchallenged.

But for a young lady who was not born of a legitimate family, her fate seemed to have been swallowed up by the shadows of this deep house, and no one asked for it.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the basement, a mournful and ear-piercing scream broke through the dull air, the wail of a woman in extreme pain, echoing in the cold and damp space, making people palpitate at the sound of it.

On the side of Danny Lloyd's brows were tightly locked, and a few complicated emotions were revealed in his gaze.

Seeing his own sister suffer from this torture, his heart could not help but feel a bit of pain.

After all, blood is thicker than water, and the ties of kinship made it impossible for him to be completely indifferent.

But the family's rules are like a mountain, mistakes must have their price, as the eldest son of the family, he must maintain this iron law, even if this process makes his heart like a knife.


And on the other side.

Inside a room that is immersed in the same darkness as the basement.

After the formation laid by Catherine Lloyd was broken, Percy Spencer's mood was slightly lighter.

However, he was then enveloped by an inexplicable sadness.

The world he was in was a haven for his soul, a secret realm where no one but himself could set foot.

It wasn't just a room, it was a microcosm of his inner world.

All dust and distractions were isolated.

The interior of the room was extremely simple, without any ostentatious decorations.

Only five objects were placed.

These five items quietly emitted a faint glow.