
CEO Vengeful wife.

...Sneak Peek into a chapter... "Don't play with fire, President Jing." His eyes darkened; the temperature in the room dropped drastically. It was a warning. However, Jing Lihua cherry red lips merely curled up into a smile. "What if I want to play with fire, President Li?" "Woman, do you not see your position? You are pinned down by me. Yet you still dare to act so frivolously? If you do not have any intention to finish things, you better not start them!" Li Zhiqiang's eyes were cold as frozen ice. "Otherwise, I will make you regret." "President Li." Jing Lihua's sweet voice again assaulted his ears. "What if I want you to make me regret?" ...End of Sneak Peek... Flesh made of translucent ice, bones made of precious gems... Jing Lihua, the eldest miss of the aristocratic Jing family, was a classic beauty with a tragic end. Stabbed in the back by those closest to her, betrayed by those she put her utmost trust, forsaken by those for whom she sacrificed herself; years of harshness taught her a lot. So when events take a turn and she is allowed to reincarnate seven years back on her marriage night, when everything was still in her hands, when everything had just started to take turns, she is determined to change the course of things... She is determined to protect those who were true to her and at the same time... ruin those who had the demons in their hearts. However, things take an interesting turn when she discovers new secrets left uncovered in her previous life. A formidable man named 'President Li', the young master of the prestigious 'Li' family known as the great 'Devil' in the mortal world appears in her life and sends her plans into chaos... Author Note: The First 20 chapters are rewritten by me. So they are good to go. After that for the next fort chapter, quality drops a bit. Then it gradually returns to best. Bear with it for a while. I'm in the process of editing. Discord: https://discord.gg/G6QZpBt

Xiao_Zuojia · Urban
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251 Chs

One down, Four more to go

On her way to her apartment, Jing Lihua stopped by her mother's tomb. She had brought a fresh bouquet of flowers along with her.

"Mother, thanks for granting me a second chance. I know you've always been watching over me. This time, I'll not disappoint you. I'll get back at all of those who treated you badly. I'll not spare a single one of them. I'll make you proud of me, mother."

Jing Lihua bent to place the bouquet.


She was surprised when she noticed a fresh rose flower resting silently on her mother's tomb.

Jing Lihua picked it up.

'It is fresh... Not plucked out an hour ago. Someone had visited my mother? But who else in this world would miss my mother other than me?"

She glanced around, but with the diameter of several meters, not a single silhouette could be found.




Jing Lihua arrived at her apartment at six pm.

She took a bath and prepared something for dinner.

Putting her hair into a bun and changing into comfortable teeshirt and pajamas, she took out some documents and started studying them sitting on the sofa in the living room.

She had lost the track of time while going through the files until a loud ringtone brought her back to her senses.

Jing Lihua glanced at her phone, placed over the coffee table.

She recognized the number.

Her lips curled up into a lopsided smile. She put the phone on silence and went back to studying the documents.

However, the person on the other side was persistent.

The person didn't give up even after ten ring bells.

Nevertheless, Jing Lihua was unperturbed.

After leisurely finishing up reading the documents, Jing Lihua yawned and lazily picked up her phone.

The ring bell was still going on.

"So persistent..." She picked up the call.

"Jing Lihua, why the fuck you took so long to pick up? Is it because of Su Liwei? Now that you have married Su Liwei, do you think that you can act so arrogantly in front of me? We both know that Su Liwei cherishes your little sister. If not for your grandfather, do you think he would have given you a second glance?"

After having to wait for so long for Jing Lihua to pick up, the person on the other line was already on edge.

Jing Lihua kept silent for a long time.

"Hello...? Jing Lihua, are you there?"


"Is there anyone...?"

"What is the purpose of your call?" Jing Lihua's serene and cool voice flowed from the other side.

"You...! You have always been there, have you not? Do you like to provoke your elders on purpose? Forget it. It is your upbringing. We can't blame you... But no matter how much you hate me, you still have to respect me! I'm at the place of your mother."

When Jing Lihua didn't say anything, He Zhoyan fumed.

"You have grown quite bold. That is the reason your father dislikes you. You are his own blood why would he hate you like this? If you could work upon your attitude, he might end up having a change of heart. For your sake, I have been trying to convince him... But when you treat me like this, how am I supposed to keep talking in your favor in front of him?" He Zhoyan used her trump card.

After all, Jing Lihua's father's dislike towards her was used to be a sensitive topic for her.

At that point, Jing Lihua would always yield to He Zhoyan.

'As if... You would ever say anything good about me in front of him. You would rather eat poison than do that.' Jing Lihua silently wondered. 'Too bad. In my past life, I used to fall or your words. In order to have a chance to reconcile with my father, I used to degrade myself to please you. But He Zhoyan... I now know your true colors.'

'As for my so-called father... I do not even care for him anymore..."

"I'm already not hanging up on you. That is far more respect than you deserve. Please state the purpose of your call or I might just hang up." Jing Lihua was fed up with her.

He Zhoyan was startled at the response.

"You... Do you not even care for your father after you have married Su Liwei?"

"Still not stating the purpose behind your call...? Fine... I'm hanging up."

"Wait!" He Zhoyan took deep breaths to calm herself. 

"I have called you to inform you that I have contacted the producer of a famous reality show and reached an agreement. She agreed to do this program after my relentless convincing. Jing Lihua, you might not be considerate of us, but you are still a part of the Jing family and we have to look after you."

"Qin Jua had decided to stream you in the second season of 'Rising Stars of Beijing'."

"Jing Lihua... this will be a great opportunity for you. Your reputation has not been very good in the social circle. After this show, you might actually bring a change to that."

He Zhoyan tied her best to make herself sound like she was doing it to help Jing Lihua.

To make sure Jing Lihua doesn't grow suspicious, He Zhoyan said. "Since your reputation is associated with the Jing family, if you clear your name, it would be best for my Jing Tian. That's all."

Her reasons felt convincing enough.


Jing Lihua knew the truth.

"Sure I'll come." With a smile, she said. Without waiting for a response from He Zhoyan, she ended the call.

"Wench!." He Zhoyan felt a rush of anger having the call being hung up on her. But a second later, she laughed. "That doesn't matter. She is stupid in the end to have trusted me so easily. Salvage your reputation? Dream on! I will only bring it to the point of no return. To the point where... you can no longer compare to my Xiao Tian!"




The next day.

Wang Yi drove Jing Lihua to the Tang enterprise complex.

At the foot of the building, there was a huge crowd. Sliding down the black mirrors of her car, Jing Lihua glanced out. With a scoff, she turned away.

"The crowd is not as much as half of what I had expected. I wonder what caused the change from my last life? The revolt I had encountered at that time, the crowd was more than three times of this."

Jing Lihua didn't know it was the unexpected act of support she had done for that 'reception lady' that had caused such a huge difference.

An employee had recorded the whole incident.

It was viewed and shared on the Tang enterprise social network multiple times and melted away the people's hearts.

Many who had initially decided to join the riot, had a change of heart after watching that short video.

When Jing Lihua stepped out of her car, dozens of dressed bodyguards quickly surrounded her. So that they could quickly interrupt in case anyone decided to do an act of disrespect.

Mei Xiu had been looking at the people holding banners from a distance. Once she saw that Jing Lihua had arrived, she quickly sided her. 

"President, I am afraid it is not the work of Wang Jianglin alone. There must be another power behind him... even reporters from mainstream media channels are invited. He alone could not have accomplished that. This is going to get... big."

"The bigger the ruckus he causes... the better for us." Jing Lihua didn't look scared at all. "Mei Xiu... I want you to go and note down the names of all the media channels present here today."

Mei Xiu was hesitant. Jing Lihua's eyes grew warmer. "Don't worry. I will be fine."

Receiving assurance from her President, Mei Xiu left her side after some hesitancy. Jing Lihua reformed the professional smile on her lips and stepped towards the ruckus with unshakeable confidence in her gait.

Soon a swarm of reporters surrounded her.

Chaos and noises of photos taken erupted once Jing Lihua appeared at the scene.

Every reporter wanted a word from her.

"President Jing, is it true you fired fifty people just after taking the office without giving them the proper reason?"

"Have you considered that those people might have families and children? After being fired suddenly, how would they fend for themselves?"

"You claimed that they had betrayed your company trust. But do you really have any evidence? Or is it because you want to shift the blame on them and use unscrupulous ways to gain personal profit from the company's projects?"

"Do you know what people are saying behind your back? They are saying that you are an indecorous novice who would mark the end of the Tang enterprise. What are your views on these remarks?"

"How are you going to deal with this situation. Would you return the jobs back to all the people and willing to accept your fault?"

Jing Lihua's small smile didn't falter at the brutal accusations. A coldness emerged from within her pupils. 

"Within thirty minutes, you all will get answers to all of your questions."

"President Jing, but..."

"Please excuse me for now, while I negotiate the terms of peace with the event's head."

Jing Lihua deep gaze shifted and pierced through Wang Jianglin who was at a distance. With smug expressions, looking at Jing Lihua being accused brutally, he felt like he already had the upper hand.

Her bodyguards parted the crowd for her.

Once Jing Lihua approached him, he quickly assumed a righteous stance.

"President Jing, we have loyally served your company for the last ten years. We have worked hard day and night to bring this enterprise to this current status. Without us, the Tang enterprise wouldn't stand where it is right now. How could you treat us so unjustly? We demand justice!"

Besides him, many other employees followed in his claims.

"If you fired our brothers today, you could fire us tomorrow too! How can we continue to work here if this is how you treat your employees?"

"President Jing, take back your decision or all of us will resign!"

"Without us, your company won't even stand a day in the market!'

The more people behind him raised their banners.

Chaos erupted.

Under their accusing and wrathful eyes, Jing Lihua remained calm.

Her smile was steady.

"Good. If you have served this enterprise loyally, I think you deserve a second chance. Wang Jianlin, follow me to my office to discuss the terms of negotiations."




Wang Jianlin was appalled.

Glancing at the photos and evidence resting over the table, he felt himself sweating profusely. Taking out his handkerchief he wiped away the stream of sweats from his forehead.

His heart was hammering inside his chest.

With this evidence, the woman could ruin his life.

"The small mall, the theme part, and the small boutique our company had opened. All of those projects failed because of the leak of sensitive info to Su enterprise. This evidence is enough to charge you for fraud and corruption. Not to mention, you would be obliged to pay back all the losses caused by you. And if I decide to take this matter to court, you can say goodbye to your life.."

"President I-I..." Wang Jianglin didn't have any words to say.

He was completely at the mercy of the woman before him.

Jing Lihua sat leisurely at her leather office chair. She interlinked her fingers. Her steady smile was still blossoming.

"Even if I decide to ignore this matter, the other shareholders won't stand by. They would take you to court and have you serve the rightful amount of time behind the bars. The vast amount of wealth you have accumulated over the years would be confiscated. You would even grow into huge debt."

"How old are you Wang Jianglin? Fifty? You would die a lonely death behind the bars. Your wife might remarry and forget you... But she is old too so the chances are low. In the end, your wife and your children would rot away on streets begging people for enough food to not to die from starvation. When you started those unscrupulous schemes, did you ever see this coming?"

Wang Jianglin throat parched. He was so scared that he could faint at any moment.

"In order to end the revolt, I just need to go outside and show this evidence to the media channels you have invited. The basis of your revolt would succumb. Once other employees realize that you had betrayed the company, they would not dare to follow you. The revolt would end... just like that."

"Now the question is if I could do this that easily why did I have to invite you inside?"

Wang Jianglin glanced up. "W-Why did President..." He couldn't even complete a sentence.

"Because my purpose had been something else since the very beginning." Jing Lihua gracefully grabbed out an agreement and placed it on the table. 

With trembling hands, Wang Jianglin picked up the papers.

"I see. You have a wife and children. I took mercy on you merely on that account. I hope you make wise use of that leeway I gave you."

When Wang Jianglin read the terms of the agreement, his face paled. 

But a drowning man catches at a straw.

He had no choice.

He signed.

With unsteady steps, he walked outside.

Once he reappeared, media channels surrounded him.

"Mr. Wang, have you reached an agreement?"

"Did President Jing readily agreed to your terms?"

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"I am here to confess. The accusation in the expulsion letter was right. I have indeed betrayed the company's trust and sold the sensitive info. I can also testify that the accusations for other fired employees are also right.

Earlier, I had been so confident because I assumed President Jing didn't have any evidence. But she has evidence.

President Jing had been benevolent. To settle for my sins, we have reached an off-court agreement. I... will hand over all my properties, foreign and national, to Tang empire.

As for the revolt, the real person who instigated me to go this far was Heng HuiZhing.

He coveted the position of President and wanted to force President Jing to give up her position by pressurizing her."

The agreement said he must say all these things to media. In exchange, Jing Lihua would hold shareholders from taking this matter to court.

In just thirty minutes, everyone got answeres.

Just as Jing Lihua had said...




Inside the office, Jing Lihua was watching his statements through live broadcast

After he was done, she turned off the TV.

Picking up her phone, she called Mei Xiu.

"Mei Xiu, we did it successfully. You know what to do next, right? Make it official that for breaching the contract, Heng Huizhong would be forced to give up half of his shares in the Tang enterprise at fifty percent of the market price. And... he would be removed from the position of the boards of directors."

I'm editing my previous chapters. And rewriting the plot. Nothing will change. This is chapter five. You don't need to read anything if you don't want to.

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