
CEO Vengeful wife.

...Sneak Peek into a chapter... "Don't play with fire, President Jing." His eyes darkened; the temperature in the room dropped drastically. It was a warning. However, Jing Lihua cherry red lips merely curled up into a smile. "What if I want to play with fire, President Li?" "Woman, do you not see your position? You are pinned down by me. Yet you still dare to act so frivolously? If you do not have any intention to finish things, you better not start them!" Li Zhiqiang's eyes were cold as frozen ice. "Otherwise, I will make you regret." "President Li." Jing Lihua's sweet voice again assaulted his ears. "What if I want you to make me regret?" ...End of Sneak Peek... Flesh made of translucent ice, bones made of precious gems... Jing Lihua, the eldest miss of the aristocratic Jing family, was a classic beauty with a tragic end. Stabbed in the back by those closest to her, betrayed by those she put her utmost trust, forsaken by those for whom she sacrificed herself; years of harshness taught her a lot. So when events take a turn and she is allowed to reincarnate seven years back on her marriage night, when everything was still in her hands, when everything had just started to take turns, she is determined to change the course of things... She is determined to protect those who were true to her and at the same time... ruin those who had the demons in their hearts. However, things take an interesting turn when she discovers new secrets left uncovered in her previous life. A formidable man named 'President Li', the young master of the prestigious 'Li' family known as the great 'Devil' in the mortal world appears in her life and sends her plans into chaos... Author Note: The First 20 chapters are rewritten by me. So they are good to go. After that for the next fort chapter, quality drops a bit. Then it gradually returns to best. Bear with it for a while. I'm in the process of editing. Discord: https://discord.gg/G6QZpBt

Xiao_Zuojia · Urban
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251 Chs

Challenging them

When Jing Lihua woke up in the morning, she was in a daze.

What happened last night? Why was she so dizzy? She sat properly and tried to recall everything. Flashes appeared in her mind. She got drugged. Su Liwei... he was here. She quickly inspected her body.

"That jerk didn't fall so low to force me while I was unconscious." Even though Su Liwei hated her, he had never done anything dirty in her previous life.

Even if it was one's enemy, there is a fair way to play the game.

In her last life, he could have her raped and stripped with a single order. But he never succumbed to anything that low.

"Eldest Miss, here are the cups you asked for."

Jing Lihua smiled sincerely. "Thank you, butler Zhou. I'm sorry if I dragged you in the trouble. In the future, I'll remember to pay your debt"

"There is no need eldest miss. Your mother was always good to me" Suddenly, his eyes saddened. "After her death, I couldn't protect you from those vicious people. I can't dare to accept your gratitude."

"Elder Zhou, don't be hard on yourself. You were helpless. Don't worry things would change. I will make sure to make them pay back ten times who made my mother suffer."

Elder Zhou looked at Jing Lihua. Her brilliant green eyes looked determined. His heart warmed with happiness.

House Mistress, your daughter has grown up.

Jing Lihua walked down, after taking a bath and dressing moderately; she took a table at the breakfast. Everyone ate, ignoring her presence as if she wasn't there at all to which she was very grateful until her father said to her.

"Yan'er told me that you wore a dress in the show made by designer Mo Liang before it was even put on sale publically? Do you have an acquaintance with him?"

"Yes." Jing Lihua said simply, not interested in whatever he had to say.

"Good. I want you to try to bring him to sign a contract with our company. Tell him that we are willing to agree to his all requests. We will pay how much he wants. We will meet all his demands."

Jing Lihua scoffed inwardly.

It was the first time her so-called father talked to her and it was for no reason other than his own profit?

No asking about how her husband been to her.

No asking about how's she been away from home. Jing Lihua could pretend it didn't affect her.

But the fact was the man was her father, and it did hurt her.

Who wouldn't want to enjoy a nice relationship with their father?

Jing Lihua was no exception.

However, in her eyes, she no longer saw that man as her father...

"Are you listening to me?"

"He wouldn't agree."

"Convey our message to him. Use your connection with him if you have to. Use all possible means to make him agree." Jing Shuping was desperate. "You should think about the best of your family. We've taken care of you since you were a child. And all you have done until now is only to bring shame to my name. You haven't ever contributed to the family's welfare like Jing Tian has." Jing Shuping had a sense of righteousness in his tone. "That amateur quickly made his name in the company owing to his fame from his ex career. He has such arrogance! Our Jing Boutiques is one of the best out there but wouldn't even agree to meet me! Right... Consider it as a chance for your redemption. If you succeed in bringing him to our company, I'll overlook all your past mistakes."

If it was the previous Jing Lihua, who was always eager to please her father, she would have been fooled by those words.

But now...

She sneered in her heart,

Who needed his forgiveness?

"Whatever means I use, he wouldn't ever agree" She gracefully cut a piece of vegetable. Her actions infuriated Jing Shuping.

"Just do what you are told. Or else should I conclude from your reluctance that you are unwilling to contribute to the welfare of the family?" Jing Shuping didn't like her attitude and raised his voice to scare her. "Are you questioning your father's command?"

That line used to always work on Jing Lihua and she would immediately yield. Of course, Jing Lihua always used to concede to whatever his father ordered. She still remembered how countless times she was physically hurt by that man brutally with a simple word from her stepmother.

"I'm not questioning my father's command" Jing Lihua smiled lightly. "I'm outrightly refusing to accept it."