
Tower Attack Damage

KIRA_Killer: R-Really? You've never used buffs before?

"For this game, yeah. Haha... It's not surprising. This is the only time I switched to a different role. I've been a tank main," Sofia responded in a casual tone.

KIRA_Killer: Ahh, right. I've seen the gameplay of your Chronos squad. Your group is really coordinated. I don't have a squad... So, I usually take buffs no matter what role I am playing. Hehehe...

FAB_Gamers.WINS: In the pro scene, it's important for the core player to get the buff. A slight delay in the character's stats could be fatal to the entire team.

KIRA_Killer: Y-Yeah, yeah... I'm lucky to play with you guys today! I did not expect having two pro players in one team in the rank game to be my ally. Playing solo is hard.

FAB_Gamers.WINS: Actually there are three pro gamers. Haha...