
Chapter 391

Sara didn't want to talk to him. She pouted and was angry. Hank rubbed her hair and leaned his chin on her shoulder, saying, "That whatever princess you're talking about, it's highly likely that she just wants to find a rich man to settle down."

He analyzed lightly, "Although Lionel is young, he is rich and powerful, with a rich and powerful family background. If there is no accident on the Aurora Island, he is the only heir. If you miss such a favor once, you will lose it. It's not so easy for Lionel to get rid of this sticky candy."

Sara said gloomily, "But you can't let Lionel always be kidnapped by her morality, can you?"

Hank tapped on the keyboard with his slender fingers and said lazily, "That's Lionel's business. If he can't even handle these things well, he won't be able to take care of Aurora Island in the future. What are you worried about for him?"

Sara squirmed in his arms and said, "Then let me go."