
Very Familiar

When I return to Lawson's office, I see him behind the desk but Dex is nowhere in sight. I stand there, holding the cup and staring at Lawson until he looks up. He points to the office next to him. Rather than glass, their offices have a solid wall between them with a door adjoining at the rear.

So I walk to the next office over—the one in the corner—and knock before entering without waiting for approval. Because honestly, any kind of self conscious thoughts have to be totally wiped from my mind at this point if I'm going to survive. I have to be completely sure and confident of myself, and if I happen to misstep, then he can just tell me. There is no longer space in my brain for any second guessing, and I am still learning so… so, yeah. Here comes the coffee whether he is ready for it or not.

Instead of looking at him, I simply carry the cup and saucer to his desk and set it down. "Is there anything else I can do for you right now, Mr. Dex? Or do you prefer Mr. Alexander?"

"Yeah, have a seat," he gestures to the chair across from him, and I do as he says without allowing any extraneous thoughts to penetrate this simple obedient act. "I prefer Dex," he says, looking up with those curious brown eyes that I immediately glance away from. "Alexander is too formal."

"Mr. Dex. Got it," I nod, taking mental note of it. I prefer Dex, too. It definitely seems to fit him.

"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" He is reclined in his seat reading a file, so relaxed and at home already.

"I graduated at the top of my class in graphic design and marketing. My goal is to one day be an ad executive here at Möbius," I smile, folding my hands over my carefully crossed legs. Why did I wear a skirt today? It feels far too revealing even though it is a tasteful length.

"Why are you serving as an assistant then?" He frowns, setting the folder down.

"You have to start somewhere," I chuckle and gesture with my hands the simple truth of this fact. Facts. Facts are my friends. "And I'm sure I can learn a lot from you. It will be highly educational."

Dex studies me again while I keep my eyes down, staring at his desk and the stack of folders on it. He has a lot of reading to do.

"I should let you get to work. Is there something else you need from me?"

He doesn't say anything for a moment, a hand rubbing his chin as he rotates back and forth in his chair. "There is something very familiar about you that I can't put my finger on. It's the strangest feeling, and that's something that doesn't happen often."

"Maybe I just have a familiar face," I smile.

"No, that's definitely not it. I even recognize your voice."

"I doubt we have crossed paths before this, Mr. Dex."

He ponders this again for several moments as I start fidgeting with my hands on my knees. I would be lying if I said that I'm not curious as to why he recognizes me, too.

"Well, since you are my assistant," his eyebrows tent as he repositions himself in his chair. "Can you keep me up on the gossip going around the office about me? I know there must be a lot of it."

My eyes widen. "Oh, uh… I don't think I have heard any."

Now he laughs, a deep hearty laugh, and it jangles all along the surface of my skin like an instrument that's played—like music. And I can't help but smile in response to it.

"We both know that's not true. I am never in the office, and I know there are all kinds of speculations as to why that is."

"Why?" My shy eyes finally find the courage to climb and find his. "I mean, why are you never in the office?"

"I'm a photographer. I do a lot of work for my father, actually. I doubt anyone realizes that. I just prefer being out in the field photographing the world rather than stuck in an office obsessing over the post production process and all the finer details. But this will be fun, too. I can reconnect with clients and see how things come together into ads. I haven't done that for a long time."

"Oh. Where all have you been?" My interest is suddenly peaked. Maybe he isn't just this bad boy that everyone thinks he is.

"All over," he smiles, and it is a genuine smile—the kind that reveals something that makes him truly happy. "I just got back from Montenegro. There is such a beautiful combination of ancient towns, mountains, and the clear blue water of the Mediterranean. I just love hopping on a motorcycle with my camera and exploring without any specific destination in mind. It's an adventure, and it's almost… spiritual."

"Wow. How are you going to survive in an office building like this?"

"I'm sure I'll be able to get away every once in awhile," he smiles again, those dimples making an appearance this time.

"I'm sorry to hear about your father. I hope he is able to get the treatment he needs in order to recover. Maybe then you can return to what you really love."

He nods, not answering and then turns to his computer. "Thank you for the coffee, Auraya."

"Of course." I take that as my cue and stand to leave.

Before I get to the door, his voice stops me. "Do you have a nickname?"

"Oh, yes. My friends call me Raya."

"Raya," he repeats it, nodding as if in approval. "Thanks for the coffee, Raya."

Without thinking of anything else to say and with a series of wild butterflies threatening to unleash in my chest, I turn and walk out.