
Travel Edition

- RAYA -

"Good right?" I ask Rory around the bite of strawberry croissant in my mouth, and I end up giggling at how muffled it is. I might have taken too large of a bite, and talking doesn't really work with a mouth full of food. 

Rory can't hold back her laughter, and we both end up struggling to not spit out our food. Chewing and talking might be hard to do at the same time, but chewing and laughing is even harder.

When Rory is finally able to swallow, she nods. "It's very good." 

Her mood seems to have lifted, and I'm so grateful for it. Maybe it's the food. Melon Pan is pretty magical, in my opinion. 

"Have you ever written about Melon Pan?" Dex asks Rory conversationally.