
Thinly-Veiled Wild

- RAYA -

While Dex is gone on his errand, which I am super curious about but am trying to keep out of my mind and purposely avoided requesting details about, I am able to create the skeleton of a website for Liz's company. It's so exciting having the ability to do this, especially because I believe strongly in the benefits of the Verdure line she has created. 

I keep forgetting to try the samples Liz left for me, but I'm going to make sure to try them tonight. That way I can give her feedback when she comes to the office Wednesday. If I'm this excited about the crazy new ideas she has for bath and body products, then I know other people will be, too. And I can't wait to help her make it a success.

Jay comes by, glancing at Dex's empty office before placing a coffee on my desk. 

"It's welcome back coffee. You deserve for someone to finally bring you coffee once in a while since you were always doing it for everyone else."