
The Best Words

- DEX -

Everything is exactly as I planned it with the help of one of the event coordinators here. The decorations are simple and elegant. Very little is needed when the surroundings are this beautiful. 

But as I wait for Raya to finally appear, a bundle of insecurity rises and lodges itself in my throat. Was this the right thing, surprising her like this? Will she be disappointed if something is missing that she's always dreamed of on her wedding day?

When Rory arrives, I know Raya will be following shortly after. My hands start shaking, so I clasp them together to get it under control. This is it. This is the day I make Raya my wife.

The soft music begins that is meant to accompany her arrival, and I take a deep, steadying breath. Trees sway around the bridge and gazebo while time slows to capture the sacred moments that are about to unfold. And then she appears, and my breath is gone completely.