
No Reason to Worry

- RAYA -

Thankfully Dad shows up first, because my hands have started shaking the closer it gets to two o'clock—the time when I'm supposed to be discharged. That's the time I told Dex, and that's the time he's supposed to be arriving. 

"I brought the change of clothes you requested," Dad smiles and lifts the bag in his hand. "Has the doctor already been in to release you?" 

"Yes. He said everything looks good right now, but I'm supposed to follow up in a week. And if any weird symptoms happen before then, I return to the emergency room. How did it go yesterday at the apartment?" 

He comes over to hug me and hands me the bag. 

"It was fine. Nothing weird happened, and we were in and out pretty quickly." 

"Good." I sigh and peek into the bag he brought.