
No One Else Can Touch You

"I always have spare ones with me for jotting down ideas," Dex says without looking up while he digs through the drawer. "There's something much different about writing your thoughts down on paper. The computer just isn't the same."

"I agree," I nod automatically, trying very hard not to stammer as I stare at the notebook. I'm almost afraid to open it because of what my own holds at home. I know these kinds of notebooks are common. They're classic and available pretty much everywhere, but… what are the odds? Truly?

"Plus, if I don't jot ideas down when I get them, they're liable to disappear." He smiles and passes a pen across the desk.

I wish that was true for me, but it's the opposite. Those dreams—every detail—will replay over and over in my mind on repeat, tumbling forth and driving me absolutely mad unless I write them down. For some reason they need to be committed to paper. They need to be made real so that they will give me peace.

The only problem is that this is becoming less and less successful. I'm trying not to think about it… somehow even the dream last night where dream guy was comforting me still feels like it's there, just under the surface of my waking mind. It's like a warm reassurance that has taken root in my heart and is slowly spiraling outward.

"Until your laptop gets here, why don't you go to Moxie? Take this notebook. Jot down your impressions. Just hang out and see what the vibe is like. Make sketches if you get ideas. And then we'll go over them together later."

The suggestion sounds too good to be true. Out getting ideas in the real world instead of being stuck in the basement going through files or running around delivering everyone in the office their hourly dose of caffeine? I can't help but glance behind me in search of Laurel. How is she going to react to this errand?

"That sounds great, but I… uh… Laurel. My supervisor. I'm not sure she will approve. She still expects me to do filing and the other things that I was doing before."

Dex's brows shoot up, and he reclines back in his chair—apparently making way for this surprising information. "She is having you do this when you're my assistant?"

I shrug. "She kind of gave me an ultimatum this morning, and I'm still in the probationary period. I don't want to be let go from Möbius. I was so excited to get the internship here…"

Dex fidgets with his own pen for a moment, eyes distant and set on the office behind us. Then he leans forward. "Raya, you are my employee. Don't worry about files or coffee unless these are things I request from you. Laurel can ask me directly if you are available for extra work. And today, you're not. I want you to do this for me. Okay?"

"Okay," I nod, warmth from that seed planted in my heart last night quickly spreading to my cheeks.

"And if anyone else gives you trouble…" he sighs and glances at his brother's office again, "please just let me know. You are your own person. You don't have to answer to them."

There is another moment that passes between us that I can't explain. His brown eyes seem deeply reassuring, but it's like they are seeking my comprehension of something more and waiting to see if I receive it.

But I am not my own person here. What can he possibly mean?

"So you mean… don't worry about Laurel and Mr. Lawson. I just answer to you?"

"Yes. Just me. No one else can touch you." Something flashes behind his eyes, and he turns back to his computer before I can get a better look to try making sense of it. "I've got your back, okay? No one is going to fire you unless it's me."

A deep voice breaks free from one of my dreams, nibbling my ear and whispering against my skin. 'No one else can touch you, because you're mine.'

I shiver and quickly grab the notebook, pen, and coffee mug so Dex doesn't have a chance to notice.

"Thank you, Mr. Dex. I appreciate this opportunity." And then I hightail it out of there before any more ghostly whispers can add their thoughts.


Jay sees me from across the office and starts veering my way as I'm headed toward the front doors. I'm still lost in these panicked, confused, but also elated thoughts. I get to go on an actual assignment! I get to brainstorm and be creative and practice what I love! And I get to get paid for it… really paid for it.

But I'm also being haunted by the dream guy, and this time it wasn't just a growl. His voice claimed me straight out of one of my dreams, threading itself into my waking life. It's like it was twinning with the real Dex… adding to his words—giving them more meaning. Meaning that wasn't there!

Would this be considered daydreaming or day-nightmaring?

Did that even happen in one of my dreams? Did the dream guy ever say that? I would have to rake my memory, but I don't want to—that's the whole point of the notebook. The point is to forget. The point is to bury those details so that they won't get dredged up and interfere with my waking life.

"Raya, are you quitting already?" Jay asks, jolting me from the disturbing thoughts.

"No," I chuckle, shifting my bag on my arm. "I'm running an errand. I will be back."

"Oh, good. I was afraid the big bad wolf scared you off already."

"The big bad wolf?" I repeat, eyes going wide because of where my mind was and how closely that deeply seductive voice sounded like a growl. "Who are you talking about? There's no big bad wolf."

Jay erupts into a fit of laughter. "You are always so funny, Raya. By your expression, you would think I was serious about a wolf being in the office. Sometimes I wonder if you are not a child for how young and innocent you seem."

"Who were you talking about then? Mr. Dex?"

"Well, if not him then Laurel," he chuckles.

I have to roll my eyes at that, because he's not wrong. Many days she feels like a villain who has been cast in this story of mine. But she's more of the cruel stepmother type than a big bad wolf.

"Yeah, I was kind of trying to avoid her on my way out so that I don't get interrogated first," I admit. "I don't think she likes me very much. Can you tell?"

"Well if she didn't like you before, she likes you less now. She has always had a thing for the youngest Möbius son, and now you are going to be working with him on a daily basis?" Jay tsks like I'm somehow responsible for this position I've found myself in. If he only knew the scheming that was behind it from Lawson's side. "The claws will come out."

"That sounds painful," I grimace.

"Don't worry, Raya. If a fight breaks out, Cricket and I will have your back."

Now it's my turn to laugh. "Are you going to fight her, Jay?"

"Maybe." He rolls his shoulders and acts like he's going to throw some punches, but Jay is so short that it's comical.

"Okay, I'm going to be looking for you when the time comes so you can bring out those guns," I giggle. "I'll see you later."

"Enjoy your errand," he calls back.

If Dex has had dreams of Raya, I wonder what they were about...

emme_zcreators' thoughts