
Morning Thought

- RAYA -

When I wake, I'm still in Dex's arms. It seems we have cuddled the remainder of the night, and no more nightmares managed to find me. And one strange thought is stuck in my head: did Nana just force us together? I try to shake free of it, because that doesn't make any sense. 

Dex rubs my back before his hand comes up behind my neck and runs through my hair. Goosebumps raise in brilliant fashion down my arms before quickly descending all the way to my toes, and I lift my chin to find that he is just as handsome in the morning. No crazy hair sticking in all directions. No eyelids swollen from sleep. No surprise. I already decided he is perfect. In fact, I think he actually looks better… if that's possible. 

"You had a nightmare," he says gently. 

"Yes. I'm sorry."