
Moira Rose

- RAYA -

When Rory comes back in the room, I'm praying Dex isn't a step behind her. As sweet as it was for him to stay, it would be super awkward and uncomfortable to see him right now. Even though it feels like I know him, I don't. No doubt today has brought us quite a bit closer than any normal second day would after meeting someone, though.

So when Rory shuts the door behind herself, I sigh in relief—internally, of course.

"Dex is gone," she says, reading my mind it seems. "He reminded me of something, though. Someone is going to have to feed Moira Rose while you're in the hospital. How long will you be staying for?"

Since the nurse with all the answers left the room while Rory was gone, I glance at my dad. My brain isn't really retaining any information.

"She said it would likely be three days. If all goes well, you'll be discharged Sunday night."

Three days. "Can you feed her, Roar? I know it's asking a lot."