
Mine 2



No one word has ever held such significance before. A close second would be "ours" when it comes to business and family. But this surpasses it. 

Dex's question about whether I would be willing to give up the mafia stuff passes languidly through my mind while I have Rory in front of me, just a breath away—the gravity between us blinding me to everything else. I dismissed it so easily when it was posed, this question, but now it's returned. 

Would I give the business up for her? Is that even an option? I've never considered it before. It's always just been life. The role I have to play has always gone without question. And it comes with a tremendous amount of power. How can I give it up when it's who I am?

"What are you thinking?" She asks, forehead pinched above stormy blue eyes that appear so much clearer than I remember. 

Just one night. That's what has changed everything. 

"Nothing, dolcezza."