
Guilt and Retaliation

- DEX -

The red welt on Raya's cheek is starting to go down. It's been a full day since that piece of shit hit her, and Uncle Saul took him and his friend back to the states where I'm sure they'll rot in a basement somewhere until we can join them. 

Hopefully Luciano and I both get turns at making that guy pay. He hurt Raya, but it sounds like he is the one responsible for all of the challenges Rory has been facing—all the nightmares from her childhood that have resurfaced after what Lawson did. 

If I can't go back and punish my brother for what he did to Rory and what he planned to do to Raya, I can at least punish this guy. Rory is family now. Family is precious. I don't have my parents anymore, so I'll be damned if anyone hurts the people I do have. 

"Stop thinking about it." Raya's soft voice brings me back to the present where I'm holding a bag of ice against her cheek.