
Don't Want a Hero

- DEX - 

Around noon, I get a text from Liz thanking me for setting up the meeting with Raya and saying how much she enjoyed visiting with her.

'Raya makes me feel comfortable moving forward. I'm really excited, Dex. Thank you for the opportunity.'

Yes! I knew they would hit it off. I'm so excited for Raya, because this will give her the confidence she needs to move forward with her career goals. And I can see how part of this job that I would really love doing in the future is connecting our creative people with the right clients. 

'That's great, Liz. I'm glad to hear it. You have developed a special product line that everyone at Mobius will be proud to partner with, and I know Raya will do it justice.'

'She's genuine and lovely. I'm happy for you,' she sends back, and I have to reread the message a few times.