
Comfort Food


"I'm stopping by your house today," I tell Dex over the phone. 

I know he's at work. Besides the fact that I have someone watching his house, I have his schedule memorized now. Not that it's difficult. Dex is about as boring as they come. Anyone would know he's got a woman at home who he is eager to get back to with how mundane his life appears from the outside. He goes to work and comes back home. There is very little variety. 

The old Luciano would laugh and give Dex shit about being pussy-whipped or something, but for once I'm finding myself jealous. He has a woman at home. Actually, he has two women at home, and as grateful as I am that Rory is with someone I trust, I also kind of want to hate him a little for it. Dex goes home to Raya, but he gets to see Rory.