
CEO Daddy: The Runaway Mommy

Juliet Estelle, a beautiful model who is spreading her wings in Fashion Design, was shocked by an incident when she woke up from her hangover. A small child was in her room and was looking at her lovingly. Before Juliet could call the police to return the child to his parent's house, she heard a loud noise coming from outside. "Listen to the kidnappers inside, you have been surrounded by the police! Now surrender yourself..." ....

Madame_Lancaster · Urban
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27 Chs

Future Wife's Room

Seeing Juliet nod, JJ was a little regretful but still obediently. Taken away by the male servant.

Seeing her convincing JJ in just one day, Dean couldn't help but approach curiously and asked, "Miss Estelle, what kind of magic did you use to make Young Master so obedient?"

Juliet said with a smile on her face, "I told him that if boys and girls take a bath together, they will not grow taller."


Faced with such a clumsy lie, Dean almost laughed but quickly sorted out his facial expressions, meticulously right. Finally, he said, "Ms. Estelle, your room has been prepared."

"Huh?" Juliet was a little surprised. So she still has a separate room?

She thought she had to live with JJ for a month.

Dean pushed his glasses and said, "There are differences between men and women, and the second lord has his own plan."

He didn't clarify what was said.

Juliet didn't think deeply and nodded in agreement. "That's right. After all, JJ and I are not close."

Dean took Juliet to the room on the west side of the second floor, and JJ's bedroom was located in front of hers but separated by the entire staircase.

It wasn't until he opened the door that Juliet realized what Dean meant by the difference between men and women.

The pink tone of the room is very different from the decoration style of the entire hilltop villa.

The European-style princess bed is equipped with the same color veils, bed covers, crystal lamps on the bedside table, fine European-style furniture, and a row of exquisite porcelain dolls and music boxes on the dressing table.

The style is warm and sweet, with star lights hanging in front of the bay window and many doll decorations.

Compared with the dullness of JJ's room, this place is more like a children's room for girls.

"This..." Juliet couldn't imagine that there would be such a room.

Dean pushed his glasses, but his voice didn't make any waves. "There are clothes prepared for you in the closet next to you. They are all in your size. If you have any other needs, please feel free to contact me."

"No. Is this room designed for Justin's future daughter?" Juliet swallowed, "I can't live here. Just get me a guest room to sleep in."

Such an exquisite princess room, she can't sleep!

"Miss, you don't need to feel pressure. The decoration style of this room is based on the second lord's opinion, so it is different from the style of other rooms."

Dean's explanation made Juliet relieved, not wanting him to add, "At the beginning when decorating this room, the second lord insisted on arranging it out, saying that it was to be reserved for our future young madam to sleep. Girls like the sweet wind."

"..." Juliet's expression froze.

"Then, good night, Miss." Dean closed the door and walked out without waiting for her to respond.

"Hey, hello..." Juliet opened the door and chased out, but Dean was gone.

Juliet frowned and was in a dilemma for a moment.

It's too weird to sleep in his future wife's room, right? What does it mean?!

Lifting her eyes, her eyes swept over the decorations in the bedroom one by one, and she couldn't help but melt into a ball.

At least compared to the coldness and rigidity of other rooms, everything here is so pleasing to the eye.


The next day, Briella was in a daze in her sleep, feeling that there was a soft and warm unknown object around her.

She didn't think much about it, but she was defeated by the trap and continued to sleep with "it" until the noisy mobile phone rang.

Juliet frowned with closed eyes and stretched out her hands to fumble wildly.

"Hello?" She answered the phone hoarsely, her eyelids so heavy that she couldn't lift them.

On the other end of the phone, her friend Karen Hamilton said in a hurry, "Juliet, where are you? Why did I run to your house and find that you are not there? The house is messy, did something happen to you?"

"I... " Juliet was about to respond with conditioned reflex, short-circuiting her brain for a few seconds before waking up.

What happened yesterday kept playing back, her eyes widened in horror, and she saw JJ sleeping in her arms.

She didn't know when he ran to sleep with her. He frowned when listening to the noise of the call but did not wake up.

Juliet swallowed and instinctively lowered her voice, "I'm fine, I ran into a bit of trouble yesterday, so I slept outside all night."

"Are you all right?"

"Well, it's all right," Juliet replied against her will, and when she heard Karen stop talking, she bluntly asked her, "What's the matter with you? Why did you go to me so early? What's the matter?"

Karen, on the phone, took a deep breath and said in a very depressed tone, "Juliet, I received the email. I was told that our brand runway show next week would be disqualified."

"What?!" Juliet directly sat up excitedly, "How could this happen?!"

"I don't know. I was told too suddenly. I didn't know the situation, and they were only responsible for the notification. They told us to directly contact the organizer if we have any questions..." Karen said, paused for a few seconds, and then spoke again, "Juliet, did you quarrel with Edward? Why did he suddenly..."

Juliet's current boyfriend, Edward Sanders, is the general agent of the world-renowned clothing brand "Hersh" in Europe and enjoys the right to execute the brand in Europe. So the catwalk is hosted by the brand he is responsible for.

How could this kind of problem suddenly happen?

Edward has been doing business abroad during this period, and there is little contact between them. If Juliet remembers correctly-he returned to City A today.

"Karen, don't worry, I'll go to Edward to find out about the situation later." Juliet tried to calm herself down, "You wait for my news."

"Okay," Karen responded.

Juliet was no longer sleepy after the line was closed. She clicked on Edward's contact number, and after calling, she was prompted to shut down, thinking that he might be on the flight back. Juliet got up and planned to go to his company to wait for him.

After taking a bath eagerly, Juliet opened the closet and looked through the clothes.

She remembered Dean saying that there were new clothes prepared for her, but when she opened the door of the cabinet-the latest women's clothing from significant luxury brands was greeted with a dazzling array of styles.

She has to say that this remuneration is really expensive.

Juliet didn't think much, took one at random, and prepared to take off her clothes and put them on. As a result, JJ woke up rubbing his eyes as soon as the corners of his clothes were raised with both hands.

"Juju, it's so comfortable to sleep next to you. I had a good night's dream." His face was full, and the corners of his lips raised a sweet smile, "Juju, can you send me to kindergarten? All kindergarten children have Mommy sends them to school, but I don't have one. So little DD laughs at me every day..."

"Sorry, I can't. I have to deal with something urgent." Juliet instinctively refused.

Seeing JJ's crying look, she was afraid that she could not get out of his body, so she hurriedly added, "If things go well, I will pick you up from school in the evening as compensation, okay?"

"Okay, then. A word is settled!" JJ accepted happily, breaking his tears into a smile.


Juliet's departure from the hilltop villa can be said to have gone through a thousand risks. She kept convincing that she didn't run away, only that there was an urgent matter to deal with, and with the agreement with JJ, she was finally sent down the mountain.

Watching the car carrying her away, Dean reported next to Justin, saying, "Ms. Estelle's boyfriend--Edward will arrive in City A on a 9 am flight. He is 'Hersh' general agent in Europe, with an annual salary of 5 million, and owns three houses and two cars in City A..."

Listening to what Dean reported for him, Justin raised his hand and stopped, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

'Is this what she calls an emergency?' Justin stepped back from the door and saw his ignorant, stupid son from a distance.

JJ was still immersed in the joy and expectation of Juliet's promise to pick him up from school.