
Chapter 193 She Was Tainted Ten Years Ago

The person who rescued her was Orville. He should belong to her, but Ingrid snatched him away before her!

She had loved her hero for ten years. Ingrid didn't deserve to be with him!

Looking at Sandy who was out of control, Joey's gentle eyes became a little cold.

She looked at Sandy and said, "Sandy, watch your mouth."

Sandy burst out laughing suddenly. "Mum? No, you have always acted as a good person. Have you ever treated me as your daughter? Maybe I should call you Auntie just like Sheila!"

Seeing her being unreasonable, Joey narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "You really want to fall out with us, don't you?"

"No, I'm never on your side!" Sandy roared, "Don't think I don't know anything. That person has told me my parents were killed in the line of duty, but you are responsible for it! You just use their lives to save Ingrid!"