
Chapter 190 Speak out

Sandy's face froze, "I, I don't understand what you said."

"You won't admit unless it is exposed." Ingrid nodded, "Well, it is not difficult to guess it right."

Joey pretended to dissuade her, "Ingrid, please stop."

"Mom, I have given her face, but she can't say it herself. She probably knows what she's going to say is too shameless."

"Ingrid..." Sandy looked at Ingrid with an aggrieved expression. When she blinked her eyelashes, tears fell drop by drop.

Ingrid clapped her hands. "Oh my God, you are amazing. It's a big loss for any director ignoring you!"

Sandy kept silent.

Glenn smiled slightly. He was very satisfied with Ingrid's refuting Sandy.

She behaved like her mother when she was young.

Joey looked at Ingrid, a little dumbfounded.

She gently pushed her daughter's hand. "Be gentle."

Before Ingrid could refute it, Glenn's voice sounded first, "Joey, you were the same at your young age."