

Love? "That's possible man" I am utterly in love with a certain curvy beauty!!! He is BLAKE CROSBY, the most wanted bachelor in NEW YORK CITY Mouthwatering, powerful, Influential, very rich and have I mentioned Irresistible! Well he is literally every ladies crush! Blake had always believed love wasn't meant for him Not until HER!!! His Sexy PA

feeesah · Urban
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Chapter sixty nine

Finally been able to break free from worry and concentrate on my work. I was at the office one day when Blake had walked in

Surprised would be an understatement, I wasn't expecting him here at all

"Hey wifey" I grinned, happy to see him

"Hey, Nice interior" he compliments. This isn't his first time visiting but his first after I made some changes in the office

"Thanks, what can I offer your esteemed self" I smiled. He looked nervous and I was wondering what on earth could make Blake Crosby a nervous being

"Anything soft would be nice" I rolled my eyes, obviously I wasn't going to feed him alcohol during work hour!

I called Linda to get us some juice before turning back to him "want to tell me what's up with you now or... " I didn't need to complete the statement as he chuckled

"Well I definitely didn't travel for hours just to see your face" he retorted