
Ceo and his billionaire wife

Stella Parker, an ambitious businesswoman at the peak of her career at the age of 25 was determined to make a name for herself while refusing to accept any form of defeat... she wanted to be the absolute best in everything, especially when it came to the greedy world of 'business'. Her outspoken personality and sassy character no doubt earned her a measure of fame amid rivals in the industry. But when it came to the famous Los Angeles-based hot and devilishly charming CEO, Ethan Woods, he understood the true meaning of persuasion by force... to seize one's own power. Because of his aggressive behavior and obstinate demeanor, he was indeed quite popular among those in the business circle. With these two dominating personalities going head to head, one despising woman and the other rejecting the mere thought of falling in love, what will be the outcome of their story? Will they be able to continue as sworn rivals, battling fierce competition at every corner? Or will they hopelessly surrender to the desires of the heart? Follow the exciting journey of a contract among two CEOS in... "LOVE or VENGENCE."

Ritika_Mishra_4111 · Urban
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20 Chs

Magazine Cover

"Ethan's point of view,"

"What happened to you, grandma?" After leaving the airport, I told my driver to go directly to my grandfather's house.

"All of this occurred when you were at this age.

Tell me about your vacation in California."

I know fully that she will not readily answer my query. She must suffer from a major illness because she won't share it with me.

"What are you contemplating, Ethan, rather than responding to your grandmother's question?"Grandpa's voice as he entered the room caught my attention.

"Grandpa, please first explain what happened to her." I inspected Grandpa's face. His face was more wrinkly this time than the previous. He was considerably weaker now than before. He could no longer stand as straightly as previously. His frame was curved. To support his weight, he needed staff to steady himself.

"You don't need to worry about your grandmother; she is OK. The usual winter has turned into an extremely chilly season because of the weather shift. There is nothing about which you need to be concerned." Grandpa responded in a tense tone.

I knew after hearing his voice that he had to be keeping something from me that I ought to know.

However, if I ask them directly, they won't answer, so I'll have to figure it out on my own.

"I learned that you and a Chinese construction company worked together." Grandpa raised his eyebrows as he questioned me.

"When will you quit worrying about business-related issues? Even though I've been running the company for the past six years, you still don't trust me." I enquired in a grumbling manner.

"There is no such thing, Ethan; every action in business must be thoroughly considered. According to the information I've learned about the Chang Industry, this deal won't do anything for your company, but Mr. Chang stands to gain significantly." My grandfather spoke with assurance as he sat in the chair next to the grandmother's bed.

Why do I notice a lot of similarities between my grandfather's and Miss Parker's words? How do I explain to Grandpa that I had no plans to go into business with Mr. Chang without first consulting him, but that I felt I needed to take revenge on Miss Parker because I would never have another chance like this? When the opportunity arose, I acted under my gut instinct.

"I'm hoping that you and Mr. Chang will agree after careful consideration."

Why is he staring at me with such mistrust?

"Do you question my capacity to make business decisions?" I asked as I sat in the vacant chair in front of Grandpa.

"No, but knowing you from the time you were a kid, I know you'd do everything to fulfill your stubbornness, and that you signed a contract on the spot at a charity ball in California shows the same thing." Grandfather's words did not surprise me in the least because I am very familiar with the person who would have given it to him in such detail.

My assistant was the only detective to inform my grandfather of the news. This time, if Steve had been in front of me, I would have certainly punched him hard enough to turn his face blue. How could he mention the charity ball incident to my grandfather?

He was my P.A. He ought to have kept all the details about me private.

"Both of you need to stop. Please take your inane and tedious business conversations elsewhere; I don't want them in my house." Grandma added in a grating tone, after listening to our words.

"I apologize, but this is not my fault. Your husband is only interested in discussing business topics." To appease my grandmother's wrath, I completely blamed my grandfather.

"Do you want me to tell your grandmother about what occurred in California?

You can't blame me like this." My grandfather began threatening me as soon as he saw her enraged eyes.

Oh no, Jesus.

Grandma would undoubtedly make fun of me if she learned a girl smacked me in a charity ballroom packed with thousands of people.

This is unacceptable, and I must prevent Grandpa from continuing.

"We don't need to drag her into this; instead, let's just go for a walk in the garden and have a friendly chat." With my eyes, I made a silent request to Grandfather.

"Indeed, why not?"

"You both feel that it is useless to tell this old lady anything.

What will this sick old lady find out?" Hearing me, she began taunting me. She always begins extorting me in this manner whenever she wants to learn a secret.

"Grandma, please stop sobbing, or else your health will worsen.

Trust me, there is nothing we will keep from you.

Grandpa was only kidding, so why isn't it?" I wiped Grandma's tears away while I glared at Grandpa.

"Yes...Yes, I was joking, of course." Grandpa answered in a terrified tone. When my grandmother cries, my grandfather always gets upset, and she uses this to her advantage to threaten both of us.

"So, if that's the case, tell me, who is this female with you?" My grandma inquired while displaying the business magazine that would be placed beneath her pillow.

Oh no,

"Where did you get this business magazine?" I asked, my eyes wide with an inquiry.

"It would be great if you responded to my query rather than asking me questions." My grandma began berating me.

"This is Miss Stella Parker, a well-known Californian businesswoman."

My grandparents may be the last people in the world I would want to talk to about Miss Parker, but because of the cover photo for this stupid magazine, I will now have to answer their strangest inquiries.

The thought crossed my mind that I should grab the magazine out of my grandma's hands, toss it in the trash, and make sure that this cover never appears ever again.

Unfortunately, I cannot take such action. My grandparents should not even be aware of the fact that I despise girls so much.

"Is she your girlfriend?" My grandmother's cheerful voice interrupted my thoughts.

"No, the paparazzi only wanted us to pose for a business magazine." I took a deep breath in and attempted to contain the growing rage within me.

"You two look great together, so you should try to make this girl your girlfriend. I think this girl is perfect for you." grandmother commented as she inspected the magazine's cover.

Perfect my foot.

My grandma is considering making Stella my girlfriend, but I don't like conceited, overconfident girls like her. But hold on, why am I thinking this? How can I ever consider dating someone? My brain is likely exhausted.

"I'd want to retire to my room and rest for a bit." I said as I stood up from my chair.

"As with your grandma, I think this is the perfect girl for you, Ethan." I know fully that my grandfather is making fun of me at this moment, but I am powerless to stop him.

My stupid P.A. is to blame for everything. When I go to work tomorrow, the first thing I'll do is fire my assistant so my grandparents won't find out about my professional life through him.

As I was getting into bed after changing, my phone buzzed.

The photo of me with Miss Parker appeared on my phone's screen as soon as I opened the notification and clicked on it.

Oh no, Jesus, why won't this girl just let me live in peace?

This girl has been wreaking havoc in my life for the past two years; now that I've exacted my revenge, there's no good reason for her name to keep cropping up.

Looking at that picture made me very furious, but I couldn't stop smiling maniacally as I recalled her hazel eyes and the red tip of her nose in rage.