
CEO's wife is an angel❤

karishma4978 · General
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8 Chs

Everything will be Ok(Edited)

As i still cannot sleep so I thought I should search a little bit about which company or project I am going to invest . So just like that the next day i looked like a panda, well pandas are cute..

"Ivy wake up darling its already morning "

"I am not going to school mama"

I can hear the steps coming near my room and i know it is my mother.

" why "

Well you see I was never planing to hide any thing from my parents so, i told everything about skipping classes and that the principal have given me one month leave and that the next month will be my exams .

my mother told me not to be sad if I didn't pass I know she was worried so I said nothing and just smiles .

So after that i slept for some more time . I remember in my previous life after my parents passed away my life was a hell for me but I got used to it but , in this life let's write a new story . After going bankrupt my father got Heart Attack and died but my mother was with me at that time but after one year my mother also started feeling unwell and it increased so much that i dropped my college and started working so that I can pay for my mothers Hospital Bil Shhhh..

"this time everything will be OK " I told myself and just like that I went into my dream land.