
Unwilling to Terminate the Contract with Her

Hai City:

Xue Yuanyuan waited at the airport and hurriedly approached Ms Chen when she saw her arrive, looking disheveled.

Chen Lan nodded at her and they both got into the nanny car, one after the other.

Xue Yuanyuan didn't know what had happened at the company to urgently call back Ms Chen.

Worried, she asked, "Ms Chen, you don't look well. Has something happened?"

Chen Lan took off her sunglasses, her tone clearly suppressing anger. "Yunchu found a small company that no one has ever heard of and this small company actually wants to terminate her contract."

"Did the company agree?"

"Do you think Manager Huang is a pushover? Yunchu is currently in the limelight, how could he easily let her go? Unless he strips Yunchu of everything, Xingcheng won't let her leave," Chen Lan sneered.

Xue Yuanyuan felt slightly relieved. "So, we'll continue to drag this out?"