
The Frustrating Game

Although Assistant Lin's mind was filled with frustration, he dutifully linked his boss's bank card.

However, as soon as he completed the process, a message popped up on the screen saying that the account was already linked and not to repeat the operation.

"Just need to recharge?" Gu Jinwei took back his phone and looked at the backstage data confidently. He knew the answer to this question; he had done it yesterday.

Assistant Lin inadvertently caught a glimpse of his boss's account. He couldn't make out the exact number of digits, but he was certain it was no less than a million.

Holy shit!

Assistant Lin almost shouted out loud.

Was this the advantage of being a capitalist? Being able to recharge millions on any platform with ease?

Gu Jinwei noticed that Assistant Lin had seen something. He coughed while covering his mouth, and maintained his serious demeanor. "There's no need to make any further changes to the contract. Let the legal department prepare it, and we can sign it tomorrow."

Assistant Lin let out a sigh of relief, grateful that his boss was not swayed by worldly temptations and remained a celibate CEO.

The live stream room seemed to be gradually calming down, perhaps because the novelty had worn off for the new viewers, and most of them had left.

Gu Jinwei's gaze fell on the ten thousand popularity count. He checked a few other camera angles, and the highest popularity had already reached nearly a million.

As a top-tier star with a massive fan base, it was natural for Zhou Yu's popularity to skyrocket. In just half an hour, he had attracted a large number of viewers.

This reality show would be broadcast both online through live streaming and offline through edited replays.

For the next few days, all the fans would have the opportunity to see their beloved idols in the live stream room. The edited version, featuring all five participants, will be released next weekend.

Popularity was the most direct indicator of a star's commercial value. Judging from the popularity and viewership numbers of the five guests, Shen Yunchu was undoubtedly at the bottom.

While others had hundreds and thousands of viewers, Shen Yunchu barely hung on to ten thousand, and there was even a possibility of dropping below that.

If this were to be broadcast, with her disastrous performance at the beginning, she would become the target of ridicule from thousands of people.

After much hardship, Shen Yunchu finally reached the first supply point. Panting heavily, she looked at the friendly staffs and pointed to the two bottles of water beside her. "I need water."

A staff member handed her a lottery box and said, "Miss Yunchu, you need to complete a small game."

Shen Yunchu's mouth felt dry as she reached into the lottery box and pulled out a ball. The staff member opened the red ball, revealing the task written on it in front of the camera.

"Miss Yunchu needs to make a phone call."

Shen Yunchu carefully reviewed the game instructions and tried to recall her latest contacts in the morning.

Was it Assistant Wang? No, Assistant Wang had been with her all along. The first person she contacted after getting off the plane... was Gu Jinwei!

She swallowed nervously, uncertain. "If I don't want to play this game, do I still have a chance to draw again?"

The staff member shook their head. "You only have one chance. If you miss it, Miss Yunchu will have to move on to the next supply point."

Shen Yunchu felt a lack of oxygen in her brain. Shen Yunchu was thirsty, having eaten up here, clearly not considering the issue of dehydration.

Now, karma had caught up with her. She didn't have the energy to reach the next supply point on her own.

"Miss Yunchu, do you want to complete this game?" The staff member asked with a considerate smile.

Shen Yunchu took a deep breath, lowered her head, and took out her phone. It was just a phone call to the indifferent Gu Jinwei, right?

She just needed to ask him briefly how was his day and then hang up immediately, without giving him a chance to say anything irrelevant.

"Miss Yunchu, may we have a look at your contacts for reference?" The staff member asked politely.

Shen Yunchu reluctantly handed her phone to the camera, making sure that the first person she called was the latest one: my neighbor, who was not good in that aspect.

The staff member glanced at the note and blushed as if she had accidentally learned something she shouldn't have.

It is believed that people in the entertainment industry have complex connections, but at least they wouldn't have any relationships with their friends.

Yet, Yunchu had set her sights on her neighbor. And judging by the situation, they seemed to have delved deeper into it. Was it what Shen Yunchu thinking?

It must be that! Shen Yunchu felt as if she had been hit on the head. Last night, in a moment of impulsiveness, she had changed Gu Jinwei's contact name!

"No, it's not what you think," Shen Yunchu intended to explain, but explaining was just a cover-up, after all.

"Miss Yunchu, please complete the game task," the staff member quickly changed the topic.

Shen Yunchu dialed the number with a stiff scalp. After one ring, a deep male voice came through, "Yes?"

Shen Yunchu stumbled, not knowing how to proceed. Their relationship didn't seem intimate enough to exchange daily greetings. What if Gu Jinwei misunderstood her intentions?

"My dear wife, do you miss me after just one day?" As soon as those words came out of the phone, it felt as if the wind had stopped and the surroundings fell silent. Even the people on set were dumbfounded.

"After the show ends, I will personally come to pick you up. I may need to discuss something with you."