
Caught on Camera

Shen Yunchu, as usual, was browsing the internet in the morning, searching for any leaked scandals involving celebrities that she could quickly save for herself.

Little did she expect that she would become the subject of gossip herself.

The paparazzi dared not get too close to the hotel, so they lurked in nearby trees or on top of electrical poles, several dozen meters away.

Armed with high-definition cameras, they shamelessly exposed the celebrities' every move.

Such behavior was widely condemned online, but some brainless fans enjoyed supporting the paparazzi to get firsthand information.

Jiang Xue's video was indeed short, but the man facing her became more and more familiar as Shen Yunchu watched.

If it were an ordinary person wearing a fisherman's hat and a mask walking on the street, even their own mother might not recognize them.