
Barrage Muted

Gu Jinwei was quite satisfied with today's barrage. Although it was noisy and chaotic, it had nothing to do with his wife, who always seemed to thrive on chaos.

He didn't care about Shen Yunchu being attacked or criticized. It was just that she carried the name of his wife, so insulting her was like insulting himself.

Gu Jinwei couldn't afford to be unjustly accused. That's all there was to it. He had no intention of meddling in her affairs, none whatsoever.

"Has no one noticed that the fan wars between the two sides started because of Shen Yunchu's words?"

"Shen Yunchu's move to incite conflict between Zhou's and Yi's fans was so precise. With just a few words, she successfully stirred up their contradictions and then cleanly withdrew herself."

"We, the Yi's fans, don't blame Mr. Zhou. We respect him. It was Shen Yunchu's sarcastic remarks that provoked us and made us lose our composure momentarily."