
CEO's second love

MATURE CONTENT A rich girl who ran away from her own wedding... And now she is stuck in another unknown country. She didn't know much about it since she was there for the first time. In the beginning, she enjoys a lot. But gradually all the money after that is gone. She cannot even contact her family members because they are not even talking to them and are not even trying to contact her. That's why she started working in a small place, but there she was not able to get enough money so she went to a new company to get a job. But little did she know that the very thing she had run away from was waiting for her here.The boss of the company in which she had given the interview, not only wanted to hire her only for PA but also wanted to marry her. He wanted to have a contracted marriage. ************************** what do you mean??? " I asked in little shocked voice. he was just staring me then he calmly introduced himself.... " let me first introduce my self... I am Aston James Night . the CEO of night group & company. and I will give you the post as my p. a " I relaxed little bit....." okay??? " " but with a contract... " ..... here it comes " contract???? " I asked him to explain exactly what he is talking about? " Of course a contract ...I want someone to marry and you look fine for this role. "

S_suman15 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter -5

To be honest, I was feeling very helpless. I could not understand what was happening in my life. Had I made a big mistake that I ran away from India? I did it right. ... or wrong??

Now I had to share all this with someone or the other. That's when I remembered that I didn't even tell stella everything about what happened. I was ignoring her calls since yesterday. But now it's time to tell her everything. Don't know how she would react????

When I reached how I saw that stella was already there. She had already started doing her work. I went to the boss and told him that the I got a new job and I want to leave this job, then the boss told me, okay as you want.not before wishing me best of luch for my forth coming happy life... 🙄.

After resigning I went to Stella. She looked at me shocked and asked me where were you?

" Where the fuck you are been??? s I was calling you....You have been ignoring my call since yesterday. You don't care in the slightest. How tense was I? I thought something happened to you. I was going to come to your house after this fucking job."

she was very angry. I could understand that her anger was justified.I know that I have made a mistake. I should have at least told her that I can't talk right now.....

" Let me tell you everything when your work is over. Then you come to my house, I have a lot to share with you... " i said while lowering my eyes...

she first give me annoying look but then agreed with me

" No, let's go now. I don't have any special work anyway. just le me take a half day.....You are more important to me at the moment."

I really very lucky to find her as my best friend she is an angel.

"aww I love you baby... "

" love you too... hey did you got that job? she asked me

" yes I got it... I replied with half smile. "

" ooh just for assurance you don't have sex yesterday with your future boss .. or may be his one of employee or may be some one else I don't know??? " she asked me with horror on her face.

" nooooo..... why would I? stop your wild imagination nothing like that happened it's something else for God shake. " I said while putting the hands on my chest.... not sure what the fuck she was imagined.

After this Stella and I go to my house and I tell Stella everything. Estrella becomes very shocked of it. She thinks what the hell is happening, she asks me if I am really going to become wife of such a big businessman?

"Yes man I am really going to be his wife. If you don't believe me, you wait here for a while, he will come in a while and take me with him to his house to meet his son."

" did he know you house address..??? "

I really don't think about that time... but yeah I never tell him my adress ooh stupid girl he has already your resume which have your all details.

" no??? ohh yeah he knows actually I fill the form about myself for the interview.... there was my current address and Mobile no.... of course he knows it.

" I feel something is wrong??? " she said with frown on her face....

" like what? " I asked her

"like something is fishy???? " well she had a great six sence.

actually it stuck on my mind also he is so much like the groom my father chooses for me ....

" Me too... but I can't do anything now I have to marry him.... "

ab to lgta hai bekaar me bhagi ghar se....

( now I think why I had ran away from house? )

and it's true I can't do anything now.

" you are again doing this you know I don't know your mother language. " she said annoying .

ooh shit....

" sorry it's come out... hehehe... 😅😅"


after some time i got a call from unknown number...

I look toward stella she also look at me knowing well who was calling..

" hello??? " I asked the caller... little bit I know who it was but still...

" hye I am in the front of your building come fast... " his tone is always bossy...

"why you always being bossy??? "


"you want to fight right now? "

yes very much... I want to say it loud

"ok see you..... "

and I cut the call...

" wow nice way to talk to your would be husband 😂. " stella said while laughing hard. " ohhh shut up.... I have to do something for his this attitude... " I said while thinking different ways to put him in his place....

"let's go and she who is going to be my brother in law... ahh I heard so much about him... "

"ooh I don't know about him anything... hope all the things are good about him that you have heard... "

" not all the things.... but yeah he was just a man you have seen so much in his life.... and his ex wife... "

when she was about to say his ex wife's story.... we had already reached in the parking area...

" wow... ' stella said

"hain????? "

I looked towards where see was looking...

there he was standing with all his glory...

stella - he is hot 🥵🥵🥵

stella was Fangirling over him..... she is now annoying me.

" I know it's contract but still he is going to my husband so.... just divert your lustful gaze from him... " I said with little much possessiveness.

stella - huuhhh possessive much???😏😏😏..

me - very....

of course I mean if I was going to marry him then I am not going to be saint wife. I am a person who can be bitch when someone try to snatch the things or person I love.

love???? no I mean..... whatever....

" hyeee " I said when k reached near him.

" thank god you are here... let's go we are already late.... "

he was about to move...

"oye... wait you are forgetting something.... say hello to my best friend. "

aston see me with bored look ... then sigh....

" hello miss??? "

stella was in shocked she can't take my this type of behavior with the no. 1 business tycoon??????

"umm..... h ....hyeee nice to meet you Mr Night. "