
CEO's second love

MATURE CONTENT A rich girl who ran away from her own wedding... And now she is stuck in another unknown country. She didn't know much about it since she was there for the first time. In the beginning, she enjoys a lot. But gradually all the money after that is gone. She cannot even contact her family members because they are not even talking to them and are not even trying to contact her. That's why she started working in a small place, but there she was not able to get enough money so she went to a new company to get a job. But little did she know that the very thing she had run away from was waiting for her here.The boss of the company in which she had given the interview, not only wanted to hire her only for PA but also wanted to marry her. He wanted to have a contracted marriage. ************************** what do you mean??? " I asked in little shocked voice. he was just staring me then he calmly introduced himself.... " let me first introduce my self... I am Aston James Night . the CEO of night group & company. and I will give you the post as my p. a " I relaxed little bit....." okay??? " " but with a contract... " ..... here it comes " contract???? " I asked him to explain exactly what he is talking about? " Of course a contract ...I want someone to marry and you look fine for this role. "

S_suman15 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter -4


( he said in his husky voice)

I slowly opened the door and went inside.he was sitting in front of me with his wonderful charm... shut up Sam you are not here to please with his charm...

I was again lost in the world of my thoughts that only then he interrupted me AGAIN ..... why you always lost in your world????

" Are you done? miss singh? " his blooming voice eco in his office.

I was feeling so embarrassed that I was hoping that the earth should just torn apart so can I jump and killed myself.

"so miss would you like to tell why you have come here again?After doing such a big show yesterday."

I smiled softly and looking at him said that this is why I have come.

" I have come for exactly the same thing.First of all I want to apologize to you. I should not have done that.Coming to the point, I need money and you need a girl to marry you. Whatever you wanted to offer yesterday, I am ready to hear it today. Can we continue this offer further?"

I let go of my ego quietly and apologized to him.

" wow girl I am really impressed by your attitude.Alright we'll talk further and will you continue with the fact that we're going to have a contract marriage?" he asked me with smirk on his face.

"I am ready to do anything because right now I am in great need of money." l lowered my face it's so embarrassing to confess this to him.

He looked at me and started talking about his contract, keeping his eyes on me. His contract list was very long. But it didn't matter to me. But as soon as he started talking about the contract, everything did not look like the contract. It looked like a real marriage.

"Ok first listen to me.I think you have to listen some points which I am going to put in contact.... "

1. You have to love my son as much as you will love your son.

2 . To say this marriage is a contract marriage, but it will be completely real. We will give it full time. If it continues, we will continue it and the contract will end there.

3 . There will also be a physical relationship in this marriage but only when you want that there will be no pressure on you.

4 . As long as we are both in this marriage, neither of us is allowed to be on any other relationship.

5 . both of us will get married in a real way and according to the rule of government. We will get married legally.

6. You will be entitled to all my things equally and you will also have full rights on my house like a wife's and if you want, you will get a job in the office too.

7 . You get the job of my personal secretary. then you can come to the job from tomorrow and we will get married after 10 days from today.

"are you ok with these points????? "

I just roll my eyes and replied his question ..... " Why don't you directly say that we are going to have a real wedding. Why are you giving it the name of contract marriage? All the points in this are like a real marriage.

Look, I won't talk around, but I talk directly that I didn't want to get married earlier. I have already come here after running away from my wedding and I don't want to fall back into the same thing. If I didn't have compulsion, I probably would never have do it. But because right now I need money very much. That's why I agree to this thing. But if ever in the future I want to get a divorce can I get it? " I asked him....

I wanted to clear everything before signing this contract. I didn't want anything that I didn't understand and he use it against me.

After all, I am also the daughter of a businessman. I know how contacts are made and how people misuse it. I wanted to start my own business. Where did I get stuck on Monday?That's different in that he doesn't seem like he will do anything wrong. But still how can I trust the person I meet today?

" You can take a divorce but you must have a valid reason for it....

Now that you have understood all the points, you can make your own decision. If you tell me your decision now, I will get the paper ready. But if you want time, you have time till tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to do appoint new personal secretary. If you don't come by tomorrow morning, I will appoint new p. a and I will find another girl for this marriage .....

It was clear from his words that he had no need to wait for me. He can easily find any girl and he has no shortage of money and me.

There is no other way before me. I have to do this. I can't even go back home. If I go home, I don't know how I will make eye contact with those people.That's why I said by placing a stone on my heart that you get the paper ready, I am ready for this marriage.

"Now there is nothing else in it. I am ready for this thing."

"Well you can start your work from today and from now on." he asked me.

but I need to fresh my mind it didn't work with this much things....

so I asked him " Can I do this job from tomorrow as I have to go to my old job and resign from there?"

And by the grace of God he agreed to this thing and he told me ok!

" Alright, you can go, I'll pick you up in the evening. We are going home, you have to meet my son too."

i just nod my head... and walk out from there...