
Chapter 68: I Am Warning You, Don't Mess With Me

Giselle listened to the students mocking Annetta and couldn't help but mock her as well. She thought Annetta was very capable, but she didn't expect it all to just be a show of bravado.

Giselle rolled her eyes and said to everyone, "All right, that's enough, everyone back to your seats and prepare for class!" 

When everyone returned to their seats, they were startled to hear a loud knock on the door and a loud bang.

Before anyone could react, Annetta walked in carrying a bucket full of water. She marched up to Elizabeth and dumped the contents of the bucket on her. Elizabeth was completely soaked.

"Ah!" Elizabeth screamed when she finally realized what had happened.

Her scream stirred some of her lackeys into action. They rushed up to Annetta and wanted to punish her, but Annetta threw the bucket at them. It hit one of the girls, and she fell to the ground clutching her stomach in pain.